PDGAreject: I can only ever read the words “Dutch Baby” in Linda Belcher’s voice
poweroferic: Look up Yorkshire puddings, almost the same thing but if u make them in muffin tins and fill with fruit and custard or icecream once baked they are supper good, also if you make them savory really nice with a Sunday roast and gravy
HastyPackedHoboSnack: This looks really good. I bet you can’t even taste the baby.
angusaditus: It’s so odd seeing a different format used in these gifs, I was so confused I had to watch it twice to get it. It was nice though, felt fresh. The recipe looked good too
InstagramLincoln: I’m pretty sure I would screw this up, but in my mind I’m imagining that this is delicious.
LoesoeSkyDiamond: I’m Dutch and have never seen this before, looks really nice though!
Uncle_Retardo: [Dutch Baby](http://www.lodgemfg.com/recipe/basic-dutch-baby) by lodgemfg
*Prep Time: 5 minutes, Cook Time: 12-14 minutes*
* 1/2 cup milk
* 2 eggs
* 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
* pinch of salt
* 1 tablespoons butter
* toppings of your choice
* Place a 9 inch skillet in the oven and preheat to 450° F.
* Heat the milk in the microwave for 20 seconds.
* In a medium bowl beat the eggs, then stir in the milk
* Slowly whisk in the flour and salt until smooth
* Carefully remove the skillet and add the butter to coat the inside
* Add batter to the skillet and place it back in the oven. Bake 12-14 minutes, or until browned and puffy.
* Serve plain or add toppings as desired.
Edit: Top Two Tips from u/cyanpineapple:
> *I make these just about weekly, so two tips:*
> * put the butter in the pan while it preheats so the batter can crisp on impact
> * if you can, blend the batter with a mixer, blender, immersion blender (my preferred tool). the eggs are the main source of leavening here, so you want to incorporate air. forget what you’ve learned about over-mixing flour/gluten development, because this is a rare exception where you want to blend a batter.
> and for god’s sake, bake longer than this person did. the crispy crust is the best part, and 3-5 mins more would have taken this one to the next level.
themubz: I made this once and the recipe called for clarified butter. I’m no chef so iirc clarified butter doesn’t burn at the oven temperature compared to nornal butter or something like that.
cyanpineapple: I make these just about weekly, so two tips:
* put the butter in the pan while it preheats so the batter can crisp on impact
* if you can, blend the batter with a mixer, blender, immersion blender (my preferred tool). the eggs are the main source of leavening here, so you want to incorporate air. forget what you’ve learned about over-mixing flour/gluten development, because this is a rare exception where you want to blend a batter.
and for god’s sake, bake longer than this person did. the crispy crust is the best part, and 3-5 mins more would have taken this one to the next level.
broomintheroom: This is essentially a Yorkshire pudding right?
SayNathan: Wait, so when do I add the baby?
SeekersWorkAccount: can you make this without a cast iron pan or skillet?
I was hoping to maybe make this with a dutch oven or just a regular stainless steel pan
aibaron: We called these Pannekoeken growing up. (literally just means pancake in Dutch)
If you made a berry sauce by heating some strawberries and select other fruits on the stove top, you can put that in the center along with the fresh versions of the fruit.
I say it doesn’t need powered sugar, but I suppose it’s more of an aesthetic.
yamr6blackgold: Okay know I really need a oven proof pan!
knowledgewhore: Remember to remove the upper baking rack. If you make the properly, it puff up so high the rack will interfere.
madamdepompadour: pancake batter basically?
cozyhygge: I don’t know if I’m proud or embarrassed to say this but my husband and I have dutch babies at least once a week, normally twice. In the winter, even more so. We follow Chrissy Tiegen’s recipe which is so much easier than this one. If you’re interested, you can look her recipe up online or in her cookbook, “Cravings.” Four eggs, a cup of flour and milk, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, and a teaspoon of salt in a buttered skillet. Then pop this into the oven at 475 for 17-18 minutes and breakfast will be heaven. Or dinner. 🙂
ashbashmagrash: Not tryna be sassy but this is literally just a Yorkshire pudding…
00vapour: So its a bigger yorkshire pudding.
JackT36: I didn’t know our babies are so delicious and fluffy.
Auronp87: It’s odd to see a 100% rational gif from /u/Uncle_Retardo, I was waiting for the turn the whole time haha.
This looks great and something I want to try!
im-lurking-here: Jesus, your presentation of this gifs was great. The split screen of ingredients being incorporated wasn’t jarring or overused. It added more content without time bloat.
zardos66: Now I understand half the posts on /r/castiron/.
pixiedonut: Best food gif I’ve seen, I think. Really well done and engaging.
You_Better_Smile: Cook it in a Dutch oven.
riivaaja: Grew up calling these German Pancakes. It was my dutch grandmothers recipe but I’m sure she pulled it out of a magazine somewhere. This is what I request from me mother every birthday and is a Christmas morning tradition. These small ones aren’t near as magical as the [9×13 pan ones](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Nn_I4_uXq0g/TJ9wG5sEA0I/AAAAAAAABLk/m0HYODkItFo/s1600/german+pancakes+pan.JPG). Mom made vanilla syrup with it one morning and its all that’s ever needed with them now. [Closest recipe we used that I could find for the big pan and the syrup.](https://www.melskitchencafe.com/german-pancake-butter-syrup/)
tekkitan: Chef John is way better
tokicrapper: Instructions unclear, baking a Dutch minor.
Awaiting further instruction
Luttik: Just like most things with “Dutch” in the name this thing is completely unknown to the Dutch.
Dr_Drosophila: Its a bloody yorkshire pudding! Never thought of adding the toppings though, sounds delicious!
dneronique: Never heard of these before. Looks good 🙂
MaxGriefen: My dad makes these every weekend! They’re so good.
IForgotAboutDre: I would make it into a pizza 😔
CaptainCortes: Nice
Cashewzz: I’m surprised that no one has commented on the fact that the measurements were fairly off from what was actually used – there was much more than 1/2 a cup of milk in that measuring cup, and way less than 1/2 a cup of flour.
reatest: You should also warm the eggs up while in their shells in some hot water. Unless you live across the pond where they don’t fridge their eggs.
snowclick: Guess I know what I’m making today
TheHighestEagle: Damn I need to make this. Thanks for posting OP.
drof69: I just made this. Looks really good. I cooked it for 16 minutes.
redditlogseverybody: I have to know what kind of sociopath owns a glass Pyrex measuring cup that’s not 2 cups.
>Oh only 3/4 cups? I better put away my 2 cup measuring device and get out my 1 cup version.