pungis1234: The melted butter really brought the dish together at the end there.
MattrixK: A perfect example of “They were so focused on if they *could*, they forgot to ask if they *should*”.
chewcok: I thought about what this would taste like and my heart stopped for a full 5 minutes.
sometimesiamdead: I legitimately had to ask if I was in /r/shittyfoodporn
TheChickWithTheDrums: [reminds me of that Doritos consommé a while back](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cppOojKBNko)
kaditya1126: This is a joke right? This has to be a joke. I need to know that is a joke.
ClaudiaShiffter: That looks disgusting.
macsyme: I had to laugh at the slo-mo sexy shots of this fucking abomination. Doesn’t matter how you spin it. This is dogshit.
reachouttouchFate: I’m heart attacking here.
This is just so awful they should’ve stopped before they began.
hibarihime: /r/ShittyGifRecipes
catword: What’s the point of the melted butter? And my gosh that’s a lot of shredded cheese. Don’t get me wrong.. I LOVE cheese. But that was like an inch thick.
witch_life: Every day we stray further from god’s light
undead_funk: I just introduced this sub to my friend. You making me look bad with this shit
lowfan: Just, why?