TheLadyEve: Huh, it seems like it might be hard to get a good sear on your ribs with a crowded pot like that. Also, is there any risk of the sugar not being evenly distributed, or does it all kind of just mix together in the end? Usually with recipes like this I dissolve the sugar first…
OctupleNewt: Dude if you’re going to spam this sub now too would you at least take 60 seconds to write out the fucking recipe like everyone else?
aestheticvoyager33: This is also known as 1,2,3,4,5 ribs (aptly named)
Odin_God_of_Gods: Just here to say thanks and to point out that the food looks great.
The only subreddit I ever save content from is GifRecipies.
TheL1st: Wait, would these actually be eaten with chopsticks?
RosneftTrump2020: I prefer my rib “knuckles” braised on black bean sauce.
PetaPotter: Ribs coated in sugar. Still looks good.
Ketosis_Sam: This recipe needs more sugar.
anxieqy: Giveme
holysocks: Also ribs (pork in general) are so much cheaper at Chinese supermarkets than the regular American ones.
Cornelius_Poindexter: I screamed when the person carelessly tossed in the sugar
whitecompass: One pot? Then where did the rice come from?
Helena253: ohh I am hungry now 😀
bobby3eb: for the love of God use regular wine not cooking wine
biOin: Just to clarify. This is a pretty American styled Chinese rib recipe. I can imagine it will taste very close to just a barbecue rib.
If you want real Chinese styled recipe, use more seasoning beyond just garlic, and put them in before the meat. Sugar is definitely too much here. You will need salt even though you put soy sauce in it. Last, use short ribs if you can find them.
wmanwill: What temp for the simmer? And would an electric skillet work?
057632: Marinate this with all the ingredients for 2 hr instead of dumping them in..can’t imagine this be evenly tasting. Also, paired with pan fried rice cake for enhanced exp.
ricksteer_p333: That’s a fuckton of sugar
scroogish: 1 pot 4 unnecessary small bowls. This looks ok I guess.
pri35t: Sugar is not needed
mathaikunju: Why do white people always just chuck in garlic whole. Like chop it up first. You can use less and it tastes better