DrBranhatten: Is that how long it takes to fry chicken? I’ve never fried anything bigger than wings.
StrawberryKiss2559: What’s the point of cooking it on a grill?
PlanetMarklar: Unlike most of the region-specific food we see in this sub regularly, this recipe looks genuine. No short cuts, no extras, just actual Nashville hot chicken. I’m saving this.
Woolybugger00: Did anyone pop a sweat when the final sauce was applied… ?
Clevelandhitch: 350 for 15-20 minutes?
Looks like you prepped around 10 pieces and your doing 2 at a time in the pan. 150-200 minutes (2.5-3+ hrs) of cook time?
JohnWColtrane: How are you controlling temp on the grill? What’s the point of the grill here in the first place?
gregthegregest: Source: https://youtu.be/Gti8n48CqYw
Sorry! Fixed the title, hence the repost
BluSkyHeisenberg: Wanna know something that will make this even better?
Soak the chicken in salt water for 12 hours prior to marinating. Add 2 bay leaves, 1/2 tbsp dried thyme, 1/2 tbsp granulated garlic and 1/2 tbsp pepper into the salt water mixture.
NOTE: Check label to ensure that bird has not been pre-injected with salt or other flavorings, otherwise it will be overseasoned. Wash bird completely before soaking in saltwater.
Seventh7Sun: I have never deep fried anything. What do you guys do with the oil when you’re done?
AngusVanhookHinson: As a native Texan, I tend to hold up Texas as a shining example of all things food-related; especially chili and barbecue.
But if this is true Nashville Style Chicken, you guys have us beat.
Edit: one thing guaranteed to start a fire: talk about food. I’m sincerely happy for the food talk. I love traveling and meeting and eating. Breaking bread with new friends has always been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life.
dnrbls: Why was the chicken fired?
ChampOfTheUniverse: My favorite place in Nashville is a place called Pepperfire. I tried the hottest and lost feeling in my mouth for a few minutes. Medium is just right and still has a kick. You can also get a deep fried battered grilled cheese that is heaven.
PetaPotter: Is it really a lard paste? I never would’ve thought.
flyinhyphy: you know what would perfectly finish off this freshly deep fried chicken? a brush of lard sauce.
PMmeforanyreason: If there’s a record for number of times you can read fired as fried, somebody call somebody because I just smashed it.
winowmak3r: Well, it’s definitely going to be spicy, jeez. That’s a lot of pepper.
dokdorosman: Fuck, I’m in library man and hungry af
Taran_it_up: Beautiful recipe. I’d day heavier on the cayenne, this shit hurts to eat, but you can feel your biceps grow an inch with how fuckin manly you are shoving it down your throat. Add some butter into that sauce to give it a better flavor and richness. Lastly add a little pickle juice with that buttermilk brine, the texture of the white meat will be so tender you can cut it with a fork.
I might sound like a dick, but don’t let that take away from this guy’s amazing recipe, every recipe will be critiqued based on taste 😀
Alpinekiwi: I’m gonna deep fry this chicken, then brush it with lard before eating.
dolpfan: Must try!
occupybourbonst: Half a cup of Cayenne pepper?!
I love spicy food, but that’s enough to melt someone’s face off. Are we sure that’s right? I don’t think I’ve ever used more than 1 or 2 tbsp at a time of Cayenne for even huge pots of jambalaya, etc
qandmargo: Is there a good place to get buttermilk? I can’t find any in the dairy section anytime I go to a grocery store. Am I looking in the wrong aisle?
kokaine21: That was sexy as Fuck
frostybub: I need to find myself a deep cast iron cooking vessel like that!
alpha-kenny1: Beats having to wait in line for hours at Howlin Rays
djskyy: They forgot honey in the paste! 2 or 3 tablespoons.
FreshPringles: Isn’t this the same as Gordon Ramsey’s Butter Milk Fried Chicken?
centrafrugal: Does anyone else get irrationally annoyed every time they see this guy bring out his kettle of charcoal for every bloody thing? You’re only boiling oil, and it’s November. Just use a flipping cooker like a normal person! 😂