0xDAB: I feel like there should be a better name for this. It definitely looks better than I was expecting.
E: of all of the responses so far I think hand pie is the best
StandAloneBluBerry: Definitely should make some cuts in the top to vent the steam. If it puffs up too much the filling will leak out of the seams.
HyruleSaviour: *Hot Pocket
Cuppy_Cakes: This, with a simple leaf salad on the side, would be a great dinner. I assume they freeze pretty well before cooking also, so having some made in advance would cut the time down on prep.
tybr00ks1: I was expecting a lasagna made from poptarts
Seventh7Sun: I want the recipe for that sauce. That looks delicious!
silencesc: I don’t think they needed to do.a variation on that “bacon double cheeseburger poptart”, but by God I’m glad they did.
AccioSexLife: I’d love to burn the roof of my mouth on these!
nateniu: Do you think this would freeze well? (Before being cooked)
FlashFlood_29: Why pop-tart and not hot-pocket? Pop-tarts are cookies and are typically filled with just a sugary cream.
swashbucklerjak: Damn that looks good
Slaglord42: Not sure what I expected but I’m pleasantly surprised. Might have to try this.
yourgifrecipesucks: I would agree with most commenters here that the correct term for this is not Pop Tart, but Hot Pocket. You have made a recipe for a Hot Pocket.
A Hot Pocket.
Sunny_California_Sky: Incredible
AbsoIum: This is a good example of “I️ live to eat” as opposed to “eating to live”
ImDyslethic: I was expecting something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/7cfk3h/iowas_on_a_whole_nother_level/?st=J9X9SZTN&sh=f51e3881https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/7cfk3h/iowas_on_a_whole_nother_level/?st=J9X9SZTN&sh=f51e3881)
worlddictator85: “Oh good. At least I know the comments won’t be full of people bitching about there being no bechamel…”
TheKid220: Beef ragu looks amazing. Got a recipe?
lankist: This is a homemade Hot Pocket, not a Pop Tart.
YeltsinYerMouth: That’s a hot pocket
sprinkles5000: without the crust, this could have been easily a ravioli.
SweetDick_Willy: Apparently OP doesn’t know what a pop tart is.
RingSlinger55: Where can I get some fresh JPEGs for this recipe?
RazeItAll: This is what we call a ‘pastie’ in England.
-Jim Gaffigan
A_Vizzle: What kind of animal uses a fork and knife to eat that
AnotherCuriousHuman: What is bechamel and what does it taste like? This recipe looks really good
iRanOverYou: Hot pockets
hambone931: Why even bother with something like this?