Ouroboron: This makes me feel… very, very dumb. It’s so obvious, and yet, nope, never considered it before.
I’m going to go sit in a corner now.
tree_lined_mind: Dude, what is popcorn salt? Sounds pretty sophisticated.
carterknudsen: I say thee: nay!
The unpopped kernels are the caviar of the popcorn bag.
JNaps95: And miss out on the partially popped popcorn kernels? I. DONT. THINK. SO.
zilti: > This side down
ther3ddler: **This message brought to you by Morton’s.**
MTC36: Oh shit was I suppose to do this after I microwave them?
Haephestus: Just get an air popper and buy plain popcorn kernels. Add your own butter and salt. WAY better than these overpriced bags of salt and butter goo.
Skinnerofseth: My chompers like the kernels though…
7ambo: The way to eat un popped kernels is an art. I have perfected it over the years. Some are crunchy and pose no problem in chewing however you learn which ones you can eat and which you can’t. Embrace the rejects.
adrenalinnrush: I feel like this is the only food hack I’ve ever seen in this sub.
skeletalouroborus: Brilliant!
mariemorton: I have a question: if all popcorns are same why we have these unpopped kernels? Depends on temperature?
FOOLS_GOLD: Why haven’t I ever tried this? 😐
dream_scapes: Even better, buy the kernels and pop them yourself in a deep pot. Very very cheap, tasty, and easy. Thank me later.
CriticalShitass: Yoooo
WeAreThe15Percent: I have a hack for you. Believe it or not, you can actually sub out salt for popcorn salt! It doesn’t say popcorn on the container but astonishingly tastes exactly the fucking same.
MrJeebusJuice: Maybe if you didn’t eat it by the fistful yah dingaling
jalyssattb: I honestly apologize for this, but those are my favorite parts.
eilygmcd: Smacks forehead again…
edradour: Good trick! I make A LOT of popcorn, but did never think of this. ..also, “popcorn salt” what is that and how come you do not just use normal fine salt?
Blerrrrrpppp: Fuck microwaveable popcorn, the real food hack is popping your own.
eilygmcd: Why didn’t I think of that? (Smacks self in forehead).
Unoficialo: What do we do with a popcorn bowl, smartass?
leftnotracks: Better: Don’t eat disgusting microwave popcorn. And it’s all disgusting.
Whifflepoof: Don’t eat bags of microwave popcorn. Get a microwave popcorn bowl and buy the kernels on sale. It’s easy, cheaper, healthier, and you can scoop it out to a bowl and not get a single unpooped kernel.