conspiracy_thug: Ay yo hold up what the fuck yo
mystical_ecstasy: Ok. Is this shit real or not because if it’s real it’s one of the craziest things I ever saw.
humboldt77: Holy shit that’s real.
DD1386: Do you want planet of the apes? Because this is how you get planet of the apes.
miucci: Looks like it’s legit
I’m stunned
hibarihime: The end when he was trying to eat it made this gif turn into something amazingly adorable.
Melusedek: /r/likeus
SeekersWorkAccount: “oh hey SeekersWorkAccount, nice to see you. See anything cool lately?”
“oh you know, just a chimp building a fucking fire then roasting marshmallows, no big deal.”
woodie_wood: Next thing you know..this ape’s making deep dish pizza’s in Chicago.
purpleRN: I, for one, welcome our primate overlords…
might_be_a_troll: Next week: BooBoo the chimp makes a lemon meringue pie
forged_fire: They’re already fucking smart and you gave them the power of FIRE?
Zbignich: What are the ingredients?
thegur90: wot
Optimus_Pitts: If this is real, that’s actually kind of incredible.
Madmagican-: While simple, this recipe is super duper easy to mess up.
Props to the ape for keeping his composure through the burning of the marshmallows
its_noel: We dont keep these things in zoos do we? If so, we shouldnt.
showmedarazzledazzle: Okay reddit, tell me whats wrong with this recipe
are_you_shittin_me: [I wanna be like you](
Scream26: Monkeys and apes creep me the fuck out, to be quite honest. Watching this ape figure out how to roast a marshmallow fills me with a sense of dread more than any horror movie ever could. They’re just too… human.
therealspike: Relatable content
iocanda: So beautifull.
mctrustry: And later on Channel 4, at 8pm on The Great Zoological Bake Off, Mel and Sue try Chef Koko’s toasted marshmallow surprise, but first, 8 out of 10 Cats, with actual cats…
Cannibaltruism: That was unexpected.
PostsHighThoughts2: What
Combine00: it’s still better at making fires and roasting marshmallows than i am
CoupeG: Bruh!!!! this is AMAZING!! LMAO
RumH4m90: I watched this with the biggest idiot smile … I love watching apes do human stuff.
yourgifrecipesucks: This works just as good under your broiler if you don’t have dry wood or flint. A little over my skill level but that’s why I love r/GifRecipes. Always challenge yourself and learn something new everyday!
islatigre: I love your sense of humour OP!
dur1sndinle: If it is real it is not funny, but if it is not it is funny
curryboy1996: Looks like they’re going to be the next species to become sentient.
davelog: Man, and I thought *Chef John* needed to shave his knuckles.
FC_Vinhny: Getthefuckouttahere
R-Byte: The satisfaction and anticipation in his face once he gets the fire going is fantastic.
Chanelle_Akira: Found my new favorite gif ever
KingDongs: This ape looks like Koba for planet of the apes
AltyMcFarty: How do they understand how matches work though? They have to have been taught that, right??
kashif_: Planet of the apes coming soon
CamLwalk: You know, you poke around Reddit for hours looking for something like this. Thanks! Made my day.
Matt_Cookes_Knee: King Louie finally found and conquered the red flower.
MrPersonMan123: Teach me the power of man’s red flower so I can be like you
GeorgiaOKeefinItReal: how do I make my arms dat hairy tho, and is it essential to the recipe?
NickHustler2: It has begun.
Th3MadCreator: I, for one, welcome our new Ape Overlords.
MonkeyPlug: What, no cheese sauce? Fuck this.
[deleted]: [removed]
Shoutry: Can we like, not?
SpeculationMaster: Stop with the stupid joke shit. Make your own god damn subreddit where you can post all the bacon, cocaine, trash panini, and other shit recipes.