lazercheesecake: Oh man, I fucking love fried chicken. Living in Nashville has made me fall in fiery artery hell because how much I love hot chicken. Plus the wet-hand, dry-hand method was pretty slick.
The way to fry chicken in the gif is pretty standard, but my preferred method is to brine the chicken overnight in buttermilk and salt first, then bread with eggs instead. Don’t be afraid to add cayenne to the breading to add more kick than just sriracha and powdered dried poultry herbs in that breading take the fried chicken experience to the next level. Also don’t forget that breading gets soggy quickly with moisture so once you spoon on the sauce and its still kinda watery, you don’t have a lot of time. Koreans solve this by heavy handedly using cornstarch and stickier sauces. People in Nashville use a more butter/oil based spice mixture.
Final advice is if you’re feeling real southern, take a nice buttermilk biscuit instead of brioche, pimento cheese instead of lettuce, and pour sausage gravy all over that chicken biscuit. Pickles of course must also be fried. Will it kill you early? Yes, but it will bring you joy for the rest of your short life.
mowscut: One of my problems with deep frying is what to do with all the oil when you’re done? I get irritated wiping bacon grease out of my pans.
SeasofCheeseburgers: Hey I love Honey-Siracha sauce.
When I make it I add a little bit of dry beef bullion…it sounds counter-intuitive but it keeps the vinegar taste from coming through too strongly and gives the sauce a nice color and body.
jpgray: Is it just me, or does it seem like deep frying over charcoal is ridiculously dangerous?
CineFunk: Using the ol’ Chck-fil-a batter balls trick. I approve of this method.
KelVarnsenn: Should be tossing that chicken in the sauce… Like a Sauce Boss.
gregthegregest: Source:
Thank you for all the support you have all given me!
The honey I used in this recipe is from my dad’s beehives. I’ve been filming a series following him through his journey into bee keeping.
You can check it out [here](
If you have been enjoying the gif recipes I’ve been posting, please check out my channel full of recipes at the source link.
justinsayin: I think you’re a really great guy /u/gregthegregest. Don’t let those people saying otherwise get you down.
Woolybugger00: Love seeing these but the frying with oil on a charcoal grill is Darwin-esque and a direct descent into /r/nononononoNONonoPOOF –
ALPHAinNJ: i just came here for the honey and sriracha
Karsaurlong: Greg… You’re the greatest.
SixoTwo: Jesus, that ,looks awesome but I am kinda getting tired of this whole cast-iron over burning coals thing. Why not use a really handy invention called a stove? Or better yet, a neat little thing I call a [fry-daddy.](
Idk…it just seems odd to continue to use the grill for literally every gif I have seen lately
suitupletsgo: who really grills like this on the reg
tehjoenas: 7/10 not enough cheese
TechnoTrouble: Im going to have nightmares of using this grill because I see it so much 😀
jchasse: It kills me that these are all like 15 second recipes…done on a grill.
InfiniteZr0: I discovered honey and sriracha through [Chef John](
Became my favorite sauce after that
AdrianRislut: Get outta here with those pickles
morkbolat: ok who heats fryer oil on a grill? is the point just to toast the bread?
Turbofat: Every single time this guy posts people complain about the charcoal grill like it’s personally offending them. It’s not like any of them are actually going to fucking make any of this shit.
KaylaRobMo: Dude so many people berate your whole using a grill for almost everything shtick, but I personally love the versatility. Am I going to do it? I’ve actually never used a grill so no since I’m pretty intimidated by it, but goddamn does everything you make look fantastic.
Never stop doing what you do. I wish I was as good with a grill as you, man! Great job
TotesMessenger: I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
– [/r/linky_links] [Honey and Sriracha Fried Chicken Sandwich – r/GifRecipes](
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TimeForSomeCoffee: [Frank’s Red Hot Stingin’ Honey Garlic Hot Sauce]( would probably work well too. I’ve had it; I like it.
boldbird99: Looks like it would destroy the spicy chicken sandwhich from the bakers dozen.
20titan20: This may actually be the one thing I’ll make out of this whole sub reddit
Pakaru: Taco Bell had this [inside a biscuit-taco for breakfast, and it was amazing.](
BendItLikeWhiteside: oh lawdy imma try this one. Did the Jalapeno chicken poppers and they were magnificent.
Liarize: yassss poor me can buy the ingredients immediately!!!
ScroheTumhaire: I want to hang myself this looks so good
nir731: Dang. I wish there was something like that but kosher. This looks goood
catallus2: Very nice.
RedBoii823: Meanwhile my mom is cooking vegetarian chili…. that’s just tomato paste and corn…
clouc1223: If you live in America make sure you’re getting real honey…most things marketed as honey aren’t real honey.
SpiciestBoy: Iceberg lettuce? Y’all motherfuckers need some coleslaw.
Gangreless: Ruined by pickles
Old_Ideas: You had my support until I saw the mayo.
johnn11238: This asshole and his grill. NOT EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE COOKED OVER COALS.
[deleted]: [deleted]
UltimateArgentinian: Whenever I see the grill, I stop watching. Someone get this man an oven.
vgnEngineer: Heart disease on a bun
theTallBoy: Why a grill?
It’s gotten to the point where I count the seconds until BOOM grill for no reason.
I don’t understand. The gifs are cool and all but the use of a grill seems so pointless, are you forever camping?