Mikanea: (yawns) “ahhhh 6:30 AM. Ugggg I’m so hungry I could really use some breakfast. Let me just start my grill….”
Sun_Beams: Oh it’s like a quiche in a loaf, nice.
itstinkskid: This lawless wasting of good bread needs to stop now.
gregthegregest: Source: [https://youtu.be/BZFuwBqYsQM]
Thank you for all the support you have all given me!
If you have been enjoying the gif recipes I’ve been posting, please check out my channel full of recipes at the source link.
PS. You can cook this in the oven….
chubbyzook: Not enough cheese for something with cheesy in the name
Sekiryuu_1924: Delicious looking almost perfectly looped recipe gif
egghead1280: Not enough Franks Redhot
Cuppy_Cakes: Was this posted a few days ago? I feel like I saw it recently but can’t find it with a quick scroll. So either it’s been reposted or I am massively increasing my magic powers.
CareForceOne: Turning it round on that grill made all the difference I bet…
Otherwise a really nice idea. I’d probably add bacon to it as well, like a quiche lorraine.
TBOIA: I like to serve my breakfast boat floating in a tub of water and add a little wooden sail to the top for presentation. It looks great but you have to eat the entire thing in about 30 seconds or it gets really soggy and disgusting. And you need to be careful not to eat the sail unless you want to get splinters in your throat.
AestheticHeretic: 1) massive waste of bread
2) can you imagine how dried out that already baked bread would be after grilling like that.
umdv: I prefer salt and pepper inside the bowl before I mix it. Spreads salt better imho.
pgh9fan: Moo
IZiOstra: My gf says “need moar cheese”
I agree
Orinaj: So would it work the same Ina convection oven?
rmpbklyn: Omelet in bread
JTPerry555: Enough with the fucking grill already!!!!!!
Phunky-Monkey: Where’s the meat?
gm4dm101: Talk to his girlfriend if you want him to stop using the grill, otherwise build a bridge.