enjoycapitalism: Hey gregthegreat I love your gifs. One thing I’ve done with those “cupcakes” before is to add some hash browns to the bottom of each to absorb bacon grease and to give a little more shape and structure. I’ve never commented on this sub before but I see your cast iron and grill and affinity for breakfast foods and I figured I had to pass along my humble tip to this great greg fellow.
Adolf-Litler: Yup, let me go out into the three feet of snow at my doorstep right now to dig out my grill.
MeatBald: Yup. Can confirm these are awesome. Although, going out in late December in Scandi-goddamn-navia to fire up the grill is not part of my definition of “last minute” 😛
hans-georg: I just love the turn around regarding Greg and his grill on this sub. First bewilderment, then the hate, and now the acceptance.
I love the recipes. You can just do it in the oven if you don’t want to use the grill.
Merry Christmas Greg, the grill, and to all other users
ryanm93: Instant upvote when I see that bbq.
santoxeu: [I made these yesterday](https://i.imgur.com/Qazi4nm.jpg) with sausage instead of bacon, and added broccoli, spinach, and mushrooms.
kwz: /r/ketorecipes
gregthegregest: Source: https://youtu.be/xotVHEzIG78
Thank you for all the support you have all continue to give me!
Please check out my channel which has a whole lot of other recipes and subscribe because that would be a wonderful christmas gift to me 🙂
Merry Christmas to everyone in this amazing sub.
If you enjoy my recipe please consider supporting me on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/freetocook) or not it’s your choice.
C0dyL88: Greg! You’re so Awesome! Thanks for the quality posts and Merry Christmas friend.
_food: 392 shall be the temperature, and the temperature shall be 392
DRJT: Merry Christmas, Greg
counting_sheep91: Or you could just use an oven
Barrrcode: Starting to think this person doesn’t have a kitchen. Always with the same little grill.
areciboy: Looks like he undercooked the bacon so it finished cooking in the muffin tin… looks delicious!
googleypoodle: I don’t quite understand the need to grease the tin with oil when you have a perfectly greasy piece of bacon at hand, just smear a little on the bottom so the egg doesn’t get stuck and you’ll be good to go
cow_moo_moo: These can be made inside, but you really have to be careful not to overcook the eggs otherwise they are just chewy bacon flavored cheese thingys. 392 for 10 min is way too long. I have found a cooler temp like 250 for 10 min leaves them much more tender and keeps the egg editable.
bananafor: /r/keto
Thetschopp: Does everyone own that same grill and charcoal holder or is this just one dude who make a lot of these gifs?
TesticularTulip: Is this not just basically quiche?
freedomowns: Isn’t butter a better oil substitute to spray oil?
Jerilo: You forgot the chicken salt.
samsexton1986: These look lovely, not sure how they’re cupcakes though.
TBOIA: Or if you want a quicker recipe you can use store bought mini muffins and cover them with cheese, bacon bits, and an uncooked egg. You need to eat them within a couple weeks though since the bread will start to go moldy after sitting on the floor for a while.
poodlesnskirts: Am I the only one who ever wonders why these gifs recipes can’t just be made in a normal oven?
cervixneedles: CHEWY BACON BLEH
kpbhoir: I m loving it
Acucced: 1) That’s not christmas
2) That’s not a breakfast
3) NEXT!
fakerton: Pig butt, cow lactation/pus/blood in chicken period.