Joken20: Are we not going to address how this person just grabbed it off the grill with his bare hands once it was done?
Willie_Main: I’ve seen this one before. It’s a classic because the guy just grabs the piping hot meat and cheese wrap straight off the grill with his bare hands like a psychopath.
thomas_nook: Looks pretty hard to eat
smitcal: One small gap in the prosciutto and that Camembert is gonna be everywhere and you’ll regret making the damn thing
ChickenHawk60: 356 degrees seems awfully specific for a cooking temperature. I will try my best,
dpsmickey: 2 months ago in October.
iamdougdanger: kinda comes out like a disgusting mess
synthanasia: This gif hurts me to look at it
coolniceokoh: Looks messy. It’d be better if you place it in a bowl and then cut it with a butter knife and smear it on your bread.
25isfine: How to turn two European dishes into one American one.
GrappleHammer: So… bacon wrapped cheese.
earthwindandcubs: Looks like a greasy mess, and why can’t I use tongs?
Dongprince: Well there goes my new years diet
shintako87: Nothing like starting off your New Year’s diet and failing your resolution with some fatty cheese wrapped in cheese wrapped meat.
modsarevirgins: this is too much cheese. the meat to cheese ratio must be right. maybe half the cheese would be perfect.
doombubbles: Benedict Camembert
___Warren: Yeahh, I Camembert
Penguin619: I’m surprised he didn’t throw the bread on the grill to toast as well..
dirtyword: The trick is to put prosciutto all over the cheese.
ja55ie: This looks so fucking good.
Z0idberg_MD: “Recipe” (looks really good though)
Biochemhistory: I’m sorry, but that looks greasy, messy and gross. 🙁
dmhead777: /r/keto
gregthegregest: source:
Thank you for all the support you have all continue to give me!
Happy New Years!
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Sunsetatcapeagulhas: I would have placed it in a roll.
niktemadur: Was the cheese still inside the paper wrapping? Look just before the prosciutto is folded around the cheese, if the guy had taken out the paper, the surface wouldn’t look as shiny.
ImALittleCrackpot: Redefining grilled cheese.
alfbort: The last 15 seconds of this gif is unintentional comedy gold
bk1230: Reposts in subs when there are hundreds of posts per day are fine.
your_odd_erection: Then Wrap That In puff pastry. Cheese wellington
modkipod: ooo i got served this at a restaurant once. Its super tasty!
k_princess: What happened to the chicken wings that were cooking at the same time? Did you eat all of them while the cheese was cooling off?
Classic_Mother: I’ve had that cheese melted and not melted.
Melted was probably the worst cheese experience I’ve ever had texture and flavor wise in my life.
It gets so oily and doesn’t seem to hold up like other cheeses when melted.
TheGoalkeeper: Basically the average food in this sub. Bacon and cheese. Usually mixed with some side dishes, but this one here is the pure r/GifRecipes recipe 😉
Bigstar976: OMG. Are you me?
Wooed2nite: This should be on some porn sub.
snorepheus: American shit.
relaxandenjoy: If only Camembert didn’t taste like grass
Thwipped: Read this as “Prosciutto Wrapped Cement”
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