EvesyE: I highly doubt WC puts peanut butter in their meat. The amount of lawsuits due to allergy’s would be insane.
SecretDragoon: Is it just me or does that hamburg not look right?
swimmer4uk: First recipe I’ve seen to bake hamburger till it’s cooked then bake it two more times.
allurmemesrbelong2me: Good goddamn, that looks awful.
TheLadyEve: What…is this? White Castle steams their patties, they don’t bake a sheet tray of meat and then cut them out. What the hell?
You have somehow managed to make sliders that look mushy and dried out at the same time.
anonymoushero1: The real secret of White Castle is the onions. They need to be dehydrated and rehydrated again and I don’t understand why but it’s what makes them taste unique. Peanut butter is not in White Castle.
Graphitetshirt: Peanut butter?!?
lieutenantPepper: Here is a much better recipe https://youtu.be/Kjka9e_QuWw
l_________l: I’ve actually mixed peanut butter into burger meat before and it’s surprisingly good. Gives it an interesting savory nuttiness.
That said, baking the meat three times? I know it’s a slider but I can’t imagine it being anything but dry.
Ariel_Etaime: Baked 3 times – but still the bottom buns don’t get baked? And peanut butter? WTF?
soomuchcoffee: Ah, lipton onion soup mix and skippy, together at last.
HGpennypacker: You know it’s not that hard to make sliders on a flattop? This is so unreasonably complicated.
TheSmackDownHotel: Peanut butter…
ashok36: When judgement day comes, you will have to answer for this, OP.
silencesc: AAAHHHHHHH
mister_robat: You forgot to drill holes into the patties.
smushkreeg: WTF is soup mix?
pisswaterprincess: Jesus Christ I know this sub isn’t the place for culinary extacy, but what the actual fuck is this shit?
It would be nice if these gifs could show simple and at-least semi-healthy meals, so people who can’t cook can start *not* eating like shit.
spectre1210: Got add pickle if you’re truly trying to copy the real thing.
gottahavemycaffeine: Peanut Butter, how high do you have to be to put peanut butter in your patty
*ohhh I get it*
felisrufus: Why would you fuck up your pan with a pizza wheel? It’s gonna score it. My wife did this and it drives me crazy.
giffer44: No pickle?? Not the White Castle I know.
Very Un-dilly dilly indeed.
spanky2088: I want these steamed hams
AnnyongSaysHello: What…have you….done?
AnnyongSaysHello: https://i.imgur.com/rZi3nbd.gif
hacksaw18: Growing up, we had a white castle slider box hanging on the Christmas tree. It was an honor to be the one to hang it up.
TheBrianJ: “Cook the hamburger until complete. Then cook it two more times because if cooking something until done makes it good, then surely doing it two more times will make it MORE GOODER”
twitchosx: That looks nasty as fuck. I’ll stick with In-N-Out
PlanetaryGenocide: /r/shittyfoodporn would like a word
MeatBald: Looks terrible, just like real White Castle sliders!
+1 for authentically reflected despair in the meat.
ChevroletSparkSS: The fact that 196 people have upvoted this baffles me. This looks disgusting.
Nope when I saw peanut butter
Further nope every time they baked it.
No cast iron skillet? No flat top? No gas/charcoal grill? What is this savagery, using an oven?
drocks27: **Ingredients**
* 1 1/2 lbs ground beef
* 1 envelope Lipton onion soup mix
* 1 tablespoon peanut butter (Yes, peanut butter. Trust me.
* 1/2 cup milk
* 1 onion finely chopped
* 1 dozen Sara Lee Classic Dinner Rolls or the really soft small-sized dinner rolls from the bakery, sliced in half
* 12 cheese slices Kraft or Velveeta cheese slices work great
1. In a large bowl mix the ground beef, Lipton onion soup mix, peanut butter, and milk.
1. Spread the meat mixture on a cookie sheet. Use a rolling pin to roll over the meat to smooth it out.
1. Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. The meat will shrink.
1. Take it out of the oven and put the diced onions all around the edges, this will give the meat a great flavor.
1. Bake for 15 more minutes, remove from oven, then spoon the onions from the edges all over the top of the meat and layer with cheese slices.
1. Bake another 7-10 minutes (until cheese is melted).
1. Remove from oven and add the tops of the rolls (the bottom part of the rolls will just sit on the counter) and place back in the oven for about 5 more minutes.
1. Take it out of the oven. Slice the meat with a pizza cutter and pick up the slider/top bun with a spatula and set it on the bottom bun.
1. Serve immediately.