Kiwcakes: If I’m going to go all out and waste 2 days worth of daily calories for these onion rings, I’m gonna make a better mac ‘n cheese than that.
MegaDinosir: Those onion rings aren’t baked but whoever came up with them definitely was.
slk5060: Kraft mac and cheese would be a huge improvement over that abomination
bobslawnservice: Does nobody make Mac and Cheese with a proper bechemel based cheese sauce anymore?
Milky melted cheese is just gross.
legbet: im this close to starting a blog where i call out recipes that have donut in the title but produce a food that cannot be called a donut
Sirspoppet: The onions don’t look cooked through at the end. Maybe that’s just my preference, but I don’t want raw onion in my onion rings.
rabbit_vr: r/shittyfoodporn
OctupleNewt: God is dead and we killed him.
panamaquina: This looks bad and gross, love the tiny garnish in the end like thats doing something.
TheRealSpaceTrout: Everyday we stray further and further from God’s light.
k_princess: 1) That ain’t no donut.
2) That ain’t no mac and cheese.
But…..I like the idea of stuffed onion rings now.
Major-Lurker: Oh look more cheese and breading.
SoSorryNope: I like this. I wonder if a person could use cauliflower instead of macaroni…
glytrine: America, please, stop making food …
phicorleone: Just… don’t… as a Dutch person, in whose country onion rings are not that common, you could’ve taught me how to make nice actual onion rings, with some kind of nice tiny detail that I didn’t see coming. But why would you do this?
sawyer4325: No thanks, you can keep your heart attack.
mega_trex: Ok these recipes have gone too far now. It’s time to stop.
smarty1017: What’s all the complaining…I’ll be making these for the games this weekend…
CriminalMacabre: Every day i believe more and more that everyone who makes this gif recipes hate food and must mask flavours with obscene quantities of cheese and sauces
JumpingSunflower: Gosh, another thing I never knew I needed in my life.
col_clipspringer: fuck a doodle doo!
Digital-Islander: Besides the heart attack inducing concoction of it all, didn’t that constitute as a double-dip at the end?… Yuckos…
Practicing_Onanist: Regardless of whether I made Mac and cheese from scratch or used the…ahem…method used here, there’s no way I’m getting Mac and cheese stuffed into onion rings without making a gigantic mess all over everything. So nice job there.
Killer_Tomato: Mac and cheese shouldn’t be microwaved. Microwaves are for making tea not food.
Liarize: Fantastische
anothertrad: > Mac N Cheese Stuffed Onion Ring Donuts
It’s like the last boss of the heart attack game
LurkAddict: Is there a food equivalent of DI-Why? I feel like this qualifies.
StriderMeow: I’ve never had mac and cheese but this made my mouth moist
tperelli: This is disgusting
The_Greys_Got_Me: All that work and they just drown the “donut” in ketchup. I bet it tasted just like anything else with that much ketchup on it.
clacksy: What’s next? Chicken Pie Onion Ring Donut Soup Pizza?
Yrupunishingme: Oh dear God. This looks so good but is sooo baddd
alexsmusic: Yeah this looks grim. Just because you coat something in breadcrumbs and deep fry it doesn’t mean it’s going to be good.
KevinCostNerf: How does this have 2000 upvotes (at pixel time)?
Ordmantel69: that looks like the kind of mac and cheese i would make when i was a jobless drug addict.
pipsdontsqueak: Dat wet hand, dry hand.
HiddenShorts: Yeah, sprinkle some green shit on top. That’ll make it look good. Also who dips onion rings in ketchup? Monsters.
Biochemhistory: Looks delicious, wonder what’s wrong with it.
tinycole2971: Some things are just too much.
This looks absolutely disgusting. Dipping it in ketchup makes it even worse.
Notorious300: Not to bring race into this but I’ve never ate good mac n cheese made by somebody that wasn’t black
Uncle_Retardo: [Mac and Cheese Stuffed Onion Ring Donuts]( by TipBuzz
These Mac and Cheese Onion Ring Donuts are an irresistible appetizer for a party, game day get-together, a surprise wedding party, a happy and amusing funeral for that special one or just if you want to stuff your fat mouth at 2am when you are really drunk and feeling creative.
* Prep Time 20 minutes
* Cook Time 10 minutes
* Total Time 4 hours
* Servings 10 servings
* Calories 342 kcal
* 2 large onions
* 1/2 cup elbow pasta 4oz
* 1/2 cup water
* 1/4 tsp salt
* 1/4 cup milk
* 1/2 tsp garlic powder
* 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
* 2 cups bread crumbs
* 4 large eggs
* 2 cups flour
* 1 quart vegetable oil for frying
1 Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper or a nonstick baking mat.
2 Cut onions into 1/2 inch thick slices and separate into rings.
3 Place small rings inside large rings to make double onion rings with a 1/2-inch gap inside. Set aside.
4 Cook pasta according to the package directions, and drain when done.
5 Add milk and garlic powder to the drained pasta. Stir in cheese and microwave for 30 seconds. Mix until creamy.
6 Spoon mac and cheese into the gap in the double onion rings. Press it in firmly with your fingers.
7 Freeze for 2 hours.
8 Add 2 inches of oil to a pot or deep fryer and heat to 325°F.
9 Dredge each piece in flour, egg, and then bread crumbs. Finally dredge in egg and breadcrumbs one more time.
10 Using tongs place rings into oil. Fry 1-2 minutes until golden brown and remove to a paper towel lined plate.
11 Serve and enjoy!
Teachtaire: Country of fat fucks eating lard-ass fat fuck food.
Step right for your colonoscopy, step left for getting sodomized by your medical bill.
SendItDownrange: Holy shit, this is genius!
ancientkillerX: I’d call this good taste, bad execution.
Maybe r/GTBE
MidrangeKiller: This looks delish! Sadly I’m from Europe and most of us traded our fryers in for healthier air fryers =(
MarvelDc97: As amazing as this looks, that title gave me diabetes just reading it