murstl: Sugar with fat. What could go wrong?!
super_toker_420: Yeah I’d eat the shit out of this garbage
allurmemesrbelong2me: Holy fuck that is a lot of sugar.
…sign me up
WalletPhoneKeysPump: I’m making a stop at the supermarket tonight just for this Bacon Maple Crack!
I_let_you_wind: Wonder how well these things would go over if they called it stuff like “pork rind heroin” or “maple bacon fentanyl”.
pepetrillvia: Not gonna lie, anytime I see one these recipes that calls for the premade canned biscuit dough, it pretty much cements my decision not to make it, but to each their own.
RadiosensitiveAllen: I love when people say “like crack” who have obviously never done crack
MissGrafin: Looks delicious. Probably should not eat it though.
thethaw356: Omg yum.
PM_ME_2DISAGREEWITHU: You might as well just get some premade puff pastry.