drocks27: **Ingredients:**
1. 1 (16 oz) pkg phyllo (fillo) dough*; thawed according to package instructions
1. 2 1/2 sticks (10 oz or 1 1/4 cups) melted unsalted Butter
1. 1 lb (about 450 grams, or 4 cups) walnuts, finely chopped
1. 1 tsp ground cinnamon
1. 1 cup (210 grams) granulated sugar
1. 2 Tbsp lemon juice (juice of 1/2 lemon?)
1. 3/4 cup (6 oz) water
1. 1/2 cup (4 oz) honey
1. Melted chocolate chips & chopped walnuts for garnish, optional
*Fillo dough should be paper thin – even thinner than paper. Each package has 2 rolls with a total of 40 sheets. Do not use thick sheets of fillo dough for this recipe.
1. Thaw phyllo dough according to package instructions (this is best done overnight in the fridge, then place it on the counter for 1 hour before starting your recipe to bring it to room temp).
2. Trim phyllo dough to fit your baking sheet. My phyllo dough package had 2 rolls with a total of 40 sheets that measured 9×14 so I had to trim them slightly. You can trim one stack at a time then cover with a damp towel to keep from drying out.
3. Butter the bottom and sides of a 13×9 non-stick baking pan.
4. Start with your honey sauce (which will need time to cool as your baklava bakes).
5. In a medium saucepan, combine 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup honey, 2 Tbsp lemon juice, and 3/4 cup water. Bring to a boil over med/high heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved, then reduce heat to med/low and boil an additional 4 minutes without stirring. Remove from heat and let syrup cool while preparing baklava
6. Preheat Oven to 325˚F.
1. Pulse walnuts about 10 times in a food processor until coarsley ground/ finely chopped. In a medium bowl, stir together: 4 cups finely chopped walnuts and 1 tsp cinnamon
2. Place 10 phyllo sheets into baking pan one at a time, brushing each sheet with butter once it’s in the pan before adding the next (i.e. place phyllo sheet into pan, brush the top with butter, place next phyllo sheet in pan, butter the top, etc. etc.).
9. Keep remaining phyllo covered with a damp towel at all times. Spread about 1/5 of nut mixture (about 3/4 cup) over phyllo dough.
10. Add 5 buttered sheets of phyllo, then another layer of nuts. Repeat x 4. Finish off with 10 layers of buttered phyllo sheets. Brush the very top with butter.
11. Here’s the order:
10 buttered phyllo sheets, 3/4 cup nut mixture,
5 buttered phyllo sheets, 3/4 cup nut mixture,
5 buttered phyllo sheets, 3/4 cup nut mixture,
5 buttered phyllo sheets, 3/4 cup nut mixture
5 buttered phyllo sheets, 3/4 cup nut mixture
10 buttered phyllo sheets and butter the top.
12. Cut pastry into 1 1/2″ wide strips, then cut diagonally to form diamond shapes. Bake at 325˚F for 1 hour and 15 min or until tops are golden brown
5. Remove from oven and immediately spoon the cooled syrup evenly over the hot baklava (you’ll hear it sizzle). This will ensure that it stays crisp rather than soggy. Let baklava cool completely, uncovered and at room temperature
For best results, let baklava sit 4-6 hours or overnight at room temperature for the syrup to penetrate and soften the layers. Garnish baklava with finely chopped nuts or drizzle with melted chocolate. Store at room temp, covered with a tea towel for 1 to 2 weeks.
piiing: i wish i had the patience to make this, but i guess it’s good that i don’t because i’d eat the entire tray.
p.s. why does it say sizzle at the end?
Uberkorn: I knew a really old lady that would roll her own Phillo dough. It was amazing. Really really tedious, but amazing. Which is an interesting phenomenon to discover as a youth. Plus she had strong hands and arms. Well into her 90s she could take a 25lb turkey out of the oven one handed.
Indigoh: This was one of the most difficult dishes I’ve ever made. Filo dough is so thin, and you have to go through so many layers.
mustabala: This is poor man’s baklava. Try it with pistachio. Thats the real beauty.
Lostyogi: A long time ago I dated a girl in cooking school. Baklava was one of her mid year tests. I helped her by eating her practice Baklavas for a few weeks and still did not mind a little more. They are quite good.
Andy4574: So she wasn’t filling the tray with wax paper.
GMCP: I’ve always wondered, would it be possible to substitute the nuts for something else? I’ve got a nut allergy but always wanted to try baklava.
crash12345: Awesome! Thanks for this simple recipe. I saw brie-filled baklava on here awhile ago which also seemed quite interesting.
Had the most amazing Nutella baklava when I was in Sarajevo, Bosnia. [Here is a pic](https://imgur.com/a/dTvFH) I think the nutella one was on the left- the place had 40+ different types of baklava!
Transitory_verb: My Yaya used to put a clove in each parallelogram of goodness.
Duh_Ogre: Alton Brown has a great video on baklava. I’ve made it several times and every holiday season I get a lot of praise for it.
geoffaree: Shouldn’t there be rose water? I always liked the slightly floral-ness of the ones I get from my favorite gyro place.
Zapp_V_Brannigan: I’d rather have Natasha come make it for me. She’s cute, love her channel.
psykhagogos: Not even close.
This is how you do.
ma7mak: I love baklava!
newsifried: The best food ever.
BigHeroBaymax: Where can I purchase phyllo dough? Sprouts or Whole Foods?
shurdi3: [Every night I having the same dream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIhEpcytL6Y)
LaserGuidedPenis: Add pistachios and this would be right up there.
BurnedRope: Do not wear one of these when attempting to rob a bank.
Grec2k: Pro Tipp: add more Sirup, cook it longer so it’s very thick. After adding the Sirup let the baklava stay for 2 days.
albanshqiptar: An Albanians specialty.
terrybytehasryzen: Who is the chef? Does she have a YouTube channel?
lawstwo: I made this exact recipe the other day! Came out really nicely, and my boyfriend appreciated that he could eat it because he’s very cautious about what nuts he can and cannot eat (because allergies).
It really does sizzle at the end too!
jujuba70: Yummy. I prefered if the video was a little bit more elucidatif about the butter and the layers
Epic_69: Try basbusa, Egyptian desert
OneWheelMan: Pistachio is tastier than walnuts and we don’t use chocolate
17running: eww baklawa with ceviz?? nope
komaedanagito_: wtf is this? definitely not baklava. fucking muricans.
RaidenKing: Can’t get enough of my sweet treats.
the_headless_hunt: The chef at the cafe I work at layers in finely chopped tart apples and pears. Goes great with the sticky sweetness of the honey and cinnamon.
letsgetcookin702: No WAY could I pull something THIS awesome off! What a great recipe!
DanceFiendStrapS: This balaclava looks delicious.
ILackPorpoise: So this is what bank robbers use to conceal their identity?
Life_Expert_Not: Its a turkish dessert.
Dadasas: Taste changed. Now all I like is baklava.
critical2210: These taste so much better when they are homemade. My mom makes them all the time.
frankreddit5: Delicious.
pizza_or_death: SIM M ER
iNeedanewnickname: Ive always heard it was sweet but damn, I hope you have your dentist appointment ready after eating this!.
Geofferic: Sizzle???
PmMeUrKhajiit: Fun fact theyre the world’s most delicious thing and if you eat two u have to go to hospital
AwsumSaus: God damn that looks so good I’d throw it up just to eat it again.
AlteredCabron: I cant eat this, the amount of sugar in this is so high you cannot taste anything else
fitbrah: Lol she made it wrong.
Sudija33: This is terrible… There is no need to cut the baklava before you bake it(it will only dry it out) you can see how dry this is when she eats it. Also that is waaaay too little syrup. Baklava needs to be covered in syrup and very moist. And what kind of baklava is this without raisins? Raisins are a must in a good baklava.
circlejerker2000: What have you done to that lemon?!?!?
pinkfloydian7: Cancer of the sugar but i like eat 🙁
TheGamercologist: “Layers of Nuts” 😉
devperez: Fresh butter? lol. What is fresh butter?
RezicG: Ah yes, I was wondering how to make diabetes edible.
Cykackykaboomboom: Greek baklava just look awful. This is what happens when you copy something
rxddit_: Uh, hate to be a GN but it’s drizzle, right? Not sizzle?
LittleBlueDres2: Where do I buy the paper dough and will I be called our for appropriation if I ask for it at my local Wholefoods? Asking for a friend.