Jimblejang: This gif is a bit r/restofthefuckingowl.
BthreePO: That’s cool, I didn’t want to know what all those things were anyway.
kramjr: Well that was a useless instructional gif…..
SoberGanja: Looks cool but it’s missing a step (the cake base).
zoiiy: Have never had dragonfruit before. What does it taste like?
WeDriftEternal: Dragonfruit is so tasteless, you can probably sub water, red food coloring, and some thickener and no one would know the difference
KeepItRealTV: I get dragon fruit that’s either white or reddish pink in the inside like in this gif. How can you tell which one you’re getting without cutting into it?
singingtangerine: This looks delicious and pretty! I’d love to try it with other fruit, too (mainly various berries).
My only worry here is the seeds. I think it might be good to strain the liquid after blending, unless you want the seeds in there.
samuelalake: Bavarian Cream Dragonfruit Cake @tastemade_japan
* 1 ½ tablespoons powdered gelatin
* 4 tablespoons water⠀
* Chocolate sponge cake⠀
* 1 cup heavy cream⠀
* 1 dragonfruit, quartered⠀
* ½ cup raspberries⠀
* 6 ½ tablespoons granulated sugar, divided⠀
* 1 tablespoon lemon juice⠀
* ¾ cup milk⠀
* 1 egg yolk⠀
* 2 ½ tablespoons granulated sugar⠀
* ¾ tablespoon gelatin powder (soaked in 2 tablespoons water)⠀
* Whipped cream⠀
* ¼ dragonfruit⠀
* Edible flowers⠀
* Raspberries⠀
* Mint leaves⠀
In a small bowl, combine the powdered gelatin and water. Set aside to let bloom.⠀
Cut the sponge cake into a circle and place in the bottom of a springform pan.⠀
Whip the heavy cream for 7 minutes until it reaches stiff peaks.⠀
In a blender, add three-quarters of the dragonfruit, the raspberries, 4 tablespoons of the sugar and lemon juice.
Blend until combined, then transfer to a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook until just before boiling, then remove from heat and stir in half the gelatin.⠀
Pour about a cup of the mixture into a separate bowl, leaving the rest in the saucepan. To the bowl add the remaining gelatin and stir to combine. Allow mixture to cool, then add milk, egg yolk and remaining sugar and whisk until thickened. Fold in the whipped cream, then pour mixture into the cake mold. Place in the fridge to cool for up to 3 hours.⠀
Remove from fridge and pipe additional whipped cream around the edges to decorate. Pour remaining mixture from the saucepan over the top of the cake. Return to refrigerator to firm up. Once firm, remove from springform pan and garnish with fruit and mint leaves.⠀
Posted on [justanotherrecipeblog](https://justanotherrecipeblog.tumblr.com/post/171183375462/bavarian-cream-dragonfruit-cake-tastemadejapan)
HandybutnotDanny: How is this Bayrisch?
Ariel_Etaime: So is the dragonfruit mixture baked or refrigerated or does it just “set” on its own? Also what’s going on with the base?
Ariel_Etaime: Pitaya is such a pretty fruit! I wish it’s flavor would be more fitting for it.
piethagoras999: It’s not that hard to improvise around this. It makes the experience more thrilling lol. And ya where TF did they get a dragon fruit that is so super duper Uber pink
CookingWithFyah: What’s the yellow stuff on the spoon?
ratvixen: But…but…but, how do I make it?! What was all of that and how much of it went in?
Sure, I probably wouldn’t have made it anyway, but I would have liked the option!
Frogs_in_space: I am Bavarian. This cake is decidedly not.
OTGyosh: Yumm. Dragon fruit with some tajin omg so good
subashshah: Too bad the dragon fruit doesn’t taste as good as it looks 🙁
-Sloth: Why the fuck did you crop the ingredients out?
prsTgs_Chaos: I’ve never had a red-fleshed dragon fruit. Does it date different than the white-fleshed dragon fruit?
Fedoraus: Where can I get a blender like that?
Kronephon: Using ingredients that are hard to get and probably expensive. Nice.
TheSassMan123: Neato but what’s the recipe though
lgb111: It would be great if I knew what and of the ingredients were
TheAppleJacks: It’s definitely going to be more Bavarian Cream Raspberry Cake, since it’s a dragonfruit has a weak flavor profile.
bnksy420: Best. Labeling. Ever.
HBKogos: Shoulda integrated in steps and folded it in instead of mixing. You’ll have a much lighter texture by doing so.
RepDetec: Gotta do _something_ about all that dragon fruit in Bavaria…
DwightsStapler: Dragonfruit was a real let down for me. Looks so cool I thought it had to be delicious! It’s not.
ViciousPuddin: I’ve never actually had a dragonfriut, but correct me if I’m wrong but don’t they have many seeds? I didn’t see any straining…so wouldn’t this be extremely gritty after the food processor?
RetardedRhino14: No instructions? Feels bad man
Defenseless-Pipe: Damn i wish i had acces to dragonfruit…
Angela688: Seems like a lot of work hope it taste good.
zWraith: No ingredients, no quantities, no bake time like wtf am I supposed to do with this 😂 0/10
Pifflewhore: Otherwise known as cheesecake? The simplest cake in the fucking world because its not even a cake. Crushing biscuits is about as tough as it gets. Children can make em, you don’t even need an oven. Make a proper cake and I’ll be impressed. I recently made an oaty sponge cake with poppy seeds, sultanas and cinnamon. Was very nice, didn’t take a picture, cos its just a cake.
swipe_: The best looking fruit ever. Maybe.
I_Hunt_N00bs: Ehh, looked ok until the gelatine was added. From that point I knew it was going to be bouncy and rubbery. Not a fan.
theekimmel: Wow
AmyMalissa: Suuch a beautiful creation! Truly it is like art.