benlouislebu: Hello Redditors I am the Mob Kitchen chef and I just wanted to preempt any questions about the stock cube… I wanted to create a Katsu mayo but couldn’t incorporate the usual onion and carrot used in a traditional Katsu sauce. It would be too chunky if they were left whole, and too watery if I blitzed them up. I opted for the stock cube as it brings the lovely veggie savoury element without being chunky. Hope you enjoy the recipe !
kickso: The crunchy breaded chicken. The delicious katsu mayo. The zingy slaw. It’s a match made in heaven.
Get one of the veggie stock jelly cubes for this – works perfectly.**
**Cooking Time (includes preparation time): 30 Minutes**
* 4 Brioche Baps – £0.80
* Bunch of Coriander – £0.70
* 2 Eggs – £0.19
* Breadcrumbs – £0.65
* Plain Flour – £0.45
* Sesame Oil – £1.00
* 1 Lime – £0.35
* ½ White Cabbage – £0.52
* Pack of Radishes – £0.65
* Runny Honey – £0.70
* Curry Powder – £0.85
* Garam Masala – £0.85
* Mayonnaise – £0.40
* 1 Vegetable Stock Cube – £0.20
* 4 Skinless, Boneless Chicken Thighs – £1.49
Total Cost – £9.80 – This covers absolutely everything. All we assume you have in your kitchen beforehand is SALT, PEPPER AND OLIVE OIL.
Katsu Mayo time.
1. Add 8 tablespoons of mayo to a bowl. Add ¾ of a veggie stock cube, a teaspoon of garam masala, 2 teaspoons of curry powder and a tablespoon of runny honey.
1. Mix well and set aside.
Zingy slaw.
1. Grate your radishes and half a cabbage. Add to a bowl with 2 teaspoons of sesame oil, the juice of a lime and a large handful of chopped coriander. Mix everything together and set aside.
1. Chicken. Get three bowls out. Add flour to one, 2 eggs to another (whisk them up), and breadcrumbs to the third. Dip your chicken thigh in flour, the eggs, then breadcrumbs.
1. Get a pan on the heat and add a very large glug of vegetable oil. Once oil is hot, add your chicken thighs. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until the breadcrumbs are golden. Keep turning the chicken until it is cooked through.
1. Toast your brioche buns.
1. Assembly time. Add a very large dollop to your bun. Then add your chicken. Then add a large spoonful of the zingy slaw. Dollop some more katsu mayo on the top half of the bun, and place that on top of the burger. Take a bite and enjoy!
**Full Recipe:**
bcGrimm: Damn that sauce looks bomb AF
DRJT: I wonder what it would taste like if you replaced the stock cube + spices with a Golden Curry cube?
bumble_dork: The sauce looks great but seriously no seasoning on the chicken or in the flour at all? Really? No thanks.
SpilikinOfDoom: Looks good – would panko breadcrumbs be the right thing to use? You took the intro bit, I didn’t realise it was one of your recipes at first.
Can you link the full recipe/quantities as well?
[deleted]: [deleted]
damnitshrew: Katsu, mayonnaise, shredded cabbage, bulldog sauce. That’s the katsu sando I know, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna change now.
This one looks pretty good, though.
the_c00ler_king: Looks lovely OP.
cuteblooded: wet hand – dry hand. WET HAND – DRY HAND!
InsaneInTheDrain: Inb4 “a chicken sandwich isn’t a burger”
(Also, a chicken sandwich isn’t a burger)