TheLyrm: The slow butter brush makes me super comfortable every time
Stabfist_Frankenkill: I think this would do a lot better over at /r/ShittyGifRecipes
HGpennypacker: This physically hurts me.
SATANS_SPIKEY_DICK: That cheese-porn shot at the end always gets me. Beautiful.
iamanemotionaltampon: Putting aside the fact this looks absolutely disgusting, the asymmetrical bread slices and cheese placement is making my brain hurt
DickRubnuts: Cheesey cornbread.
drawrofreverse: I’m disappointed whoever made this didn’t use tongs throughout the entire video
trakkwon: Here we go again.
thereisapeninmyview: I normally hate these posts BUT God bless the person who made this.
wordsinmouth: This is upsetting. I’m upset.
JanwaRebelle: Should’ve dipped in batter then deep-fried. What a noob. /s
sunnyvale_official: The diarrhea kicked in with that squeeze shot.
manatron: Somebody was high.
Ellis_Dee_025: Whaaaa*aaaaaaaaaaaaaat.*
That bread-scab with the cheese goo infection… I am perturbed by this development.
guacqueen: I’d smash this. No shame. I fucking love corn.
JustaCrackintheWall: OP:” want some cornbread”
ME: “sure, i could eat”
OP: gives me this monstrosity “hehehe”
ME: “dickhead” slaps OP with corncheeselog
Seapod: That looks disgusting.
just_a_random_dood: Oh dear lord that was hilarious, why do you only have a 48% upvote ratio?
segalooman: Please pack up your things and return to your planet. We don’t want your type here.
zotela: I would eat this.
Loftydsm: Id try it.