Miserere_Mei: Schweinhoxe is AMAZING. Must be served with sauerkraut!
Kristyyyyyyy: Where did you manage to find the knuckles? Neither of my local butchers sell them (even if you ask nicely), and those pricks at Woolies and Coles certainly never have them.
FranktheLlama: I swear I thought those were whole lemons on the plate for like thirty seconds.
inibrius: so total cook time 2 hours or 4?
CaptainUnderrated: I read that as ‘*Poor* Knuckles’. Was confused.
RosneftTrump2020: I love pork shank in place of veal shank when making Osso Bucco. It’s really cheap and has a close match to the flavor, albeit more porky. But similar gelatin content (which is why veal is used over beef, in addition to the milder flavor).
I don’t know why this is called a knuckle though. It is above the foot and doesn’t include a knuckle.
lisareno: This might be my inner germaphobe talking,but all I can see is him touching the spice containers after touching raw pork. I really hope he washed all of them off after ….
sonhvo: I had these while traveling Prague and I swear I needed a new pair of pants after eating. It was one of the best meals I’ve ever had.
Diarrhea_Van_Frank: Is there a version of this gif where you can actually see what’s happening?
Waadap: The way you handle the raw pork and then just manhandle the pepper and other condiments makes me uncomfortable. If people read this remember to always wash hands after handling raw meat before touching all other stuff in the kitchen…for sure an easy way to spread surface and other bacteria.
gudoluk: Is there a way to modify this to make this in an oven? Or would you lose too much flavor from not smoking it with hickory?
gregthegregest2: Here’s the original source video recipe: https://youtu.be/Ws7RbznUGoQ
Pork knuckles are a cheap cut of meat that gives a lot!
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fakemoobs: Good lawd yes. And why not serve the apple and onion? Is that a hilariously stupid question? Hell I’d eat it.
xxSQUASHIExx: I really want to try this, but can I get detailed instruction on grill and coal preparation?
How are they placed? How do they last for 4 hours? How to regulate temperature, etc.
rdldr1: I was recently in Frankfurt and definitely had to try the roasted pork shank. Of course I had to put it between bread for a **knuckle sandwich**.
kaarlsson: so this is how the ”do u know da wae” meme died…
PlNG: [Yesterday’s recipe was fantastic](https://i.imgur.com/VM8dweq.gifv). Solid LOL from me.