PostYourSinks: Finally, a solution to all those rabbits that get abandoned after being easter gifts
okkultism: Holy shit.
foodonfire: This recipe is taken from our Youtube channel [Food On Fire]( All the details can be found in the description below the video. We hope you enjoy watching.
timewarp: God damn, this looks fantastic.
HenChef: It looks amazing
mountainsprouts: One of my families favourite Easter memories is my sister asking our grandma what’s for dinner and her just saying rabbit. In reality I don’t think we ever did anything other than turkey.
milly-ish: fantastic, wow
guyinokc: Not the simplest recipe. Looks goddamn tasty.
A pig’s trotter…
raven00x: wait, charcoal grill….not gregthegregest? I’m confused. Looks tasty, but I’m so confused.
TheLadyEve: This looks great. I love rabbit and I wish it was a more “mainstream” protein in the U.S.
That_Deaf_Guy: I look forward to more content from these guys, that was very visually appealing
And of course they have under 200 upvotes.. Stay classy, r/gifrecipes