TheLadyEve: Something tells me the eggs they plate are not the same eggs they poached…
Mister__S: 37.50 is right. These things are a ripoff
UltimateArgentinian: This post is trying too hard to be funny.
_gosh: I almost spit my double shot macchiato with soy milk at $37.50
xenxray: Avocado Toast is $8.95 at Boudin. You can call it “shitster” for all I care; it’s delicious af.
raysofdavies: The level of comedy I’d expect from that username.
felixthemaster1: Yikes! Aren’t you embarrassed, OP?
Airazz: What shit is this.
You see, “dead chicken” from the original video worked because that’s technically correct. Shrek dandruff doesn’t work.
Unnormally2: Looks great. I’ll have to try it. Though I’ll probably make scrambled or fried eggs instead of poached, because fuck that.
Popopopper123: Thanks for the great recipe, /u/AmySchumersAnalTumor!
cinnaprism: Can I just have the bacon and those beautiful drippy eggs please
TheBottomOfTheTop: Okay, Shrek dandruff made me giggle aloud.
LimboKing52: This is retarded.
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jp_lolo: Yeah, take it off the plate and put it on a new plate. Done.
RomeosHomeos: Your name makes this seem a little less appetizing
telllos: This is way out of my price range.
rockefeller22: I mean I laughed at Shrek Dandruff
MelonElbows: Can’t buy a house that way
windchanter1992: See this is how millenials plan on ruining the economy
totemshaker: huh… Amy Schumers Anal Tumor is funnier than she is..
dinngoe: why would you fry the toast in oil?
Hamud121: Damn where can I get shrek dandruff?
wowy-lied: Breakfast ?
This looks more like lunch or even diner seriously.
DaDrPepper: I can’t tell if this is taking the piss out of vegans
098ijhuo9wqhe: Looks very healthy!!!
Loaatao: Honestly avocado toast isn’t that expensive if you make it at home.
$1 avocado, $0.50 bread, $0.20 pico de gallo.
Cheap to make at home but outrageous to buy at a restaurant.
What about pancakes at IHOP though? Probably $0.25 worth of materials and you are paying $9 for that stack of 3.
drugsmakeyoucool: Welp. Now I can’t afford a house
23238r3: Be careful, if you eat this too much you won’t be able to buy a house.
FatsPizzaHut: Oyou don’t need to lid a poached egg and I would strongly suggest not doing it. You don’t want a rapid boil. You really barely want a boil at all.
Bresdin: Use fresher eggs and a splash of white vinegar in the boiling water for tighter poached eggs
icyhotonmynuts: Take the egg and bacon out, top instead with a bit of salt and paprika. Finish off with a drizzle of honey.
whatswrongbaby: Ugh. Nothing like fried shit first thing in the morning.
Why not just toast the bread and skip the bacon?
Also, learn how to poach an egg
spicy_af_69: that looks disgusting
Xu_Lin: Shrek Dandruff 😂
_beaver_: Sometimes I feel like the only Gen Y person who *doesn’t* absolutely love avocado.
Edit: Yes, I realize this recipe is satire.
Roadsoda350: Accurate.
soomuchcoffee: That username though
Bjartensen: These will stop being funny pretty quickly, but I still found this one funny.
MainPoptart: Love the subtitles! Lol
SKRIMP-N-GRITZ: For me, avocado toast is something I make but never buy. There are certain food items that are in this category for me. Others might disagree, but that’s fine. Also, I make avocado toast because it’s simple. I don’t make bacon and eggs and avocado toast lol – that’s retarded.
glorified_plumber: Wrong. Hipsters don’t eat bacon.
And yes, I have paid $12 for avocado toast. And yes. it was worth it. And it was also way better than the toast in this gif.
FuturePollution: Please post joke gifs to r/shittygifrecipes
opticscythe: You skipped the step where you throw it in the trash and make bacon instead