Snoopy101x: Yeah… Those are HARD boiled eggs.
mike_pants: Is not stop motion.
Is not soft-boiled.
Is not a how-to.
I think “egg” was the only thing remotely accurate in this title, and even then, it should have been plural.
ptmck: I thought soft boiled eggs had a soft yoke.
big_sexy_in_glasses: Not only is this a hard-boiled eggs, there’s actually no information. 0/10. Next time you submit the simplest possible recipe, try at least stating the vital instructions (COOKING TIME) before you butcher it.
tammerraouf: Step 1: Make a soft boiled egg
summerallguard: I watched this twice waiting for the soft boiled egg
itzarel: That’s not stop motion, that’s as fluid as Mark Zuckerberg gets making eggs. Poor pale bastard…
infidelViking: Never put cold eggs in boiling water. Put the eggs in while the water is cold and bring them up to temperature slowly. This recipe is crap and they are definitely not soft boiled.
josh4: If you need detailed visual instructions on how to make a HARD boiled egg, please unsubscribe from this sub and never return
sml09: Filtered water. And you don’t start with your water at a full boil
Antrimbloke: Maybe egg was already cooked hence it didn’t crack went put in the boiling water..
latazzajones: Wow! People are mean. This is cool! Keep making things!
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