bigdukesix: That’s only half the coat of arms. The other half is the Emu.
AbuZubair: What part of the kangaroo is this?
captnmalthefree: Backpacked around Sydney which was really expensive. Did what I could to cut expenses so stayed in hostels and made my own food. Kangaroo meat was munch less expensive than chicken or steak. Sometimes less than half. It smelled bad in the packaging raw but once you cooked it it was amazing how good it was. Seriously.
brutusmom: Wait! People eat kangaroo?
Oddsockgnome: No emu though.
ominaex25: Looks a bit raw. More than rare..
loki-things: Opportunity missed to say “throw em on the barbi”
gregthegregest2: Here’s the original source video recipe:
Australia is one of the few countries that eat their coat of arms.
If you haven’t tried Kangaroo before you need to because it has a beautiful rich flavour and is extremely healthy.
Kangaroo meat is very lean so you only want to cook it to rare or medium rare.
Dr_Crow_Dick: How to make the orange mashy thingy?
Dantzig: Looks like I would give it a minute more on each side.
johnthedeer: Getting Americans to eat kangaroo has to be our best prank since drop bears
PNNY_LVIS_ALGS_type_: Garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper works on pretty much everything.
SassyMoron: I want to like kangaroo meat but I have trouble getting over feeling like I’m eating a giant rodent
Kredstarr2020: Can’t wait to try this.
ScoutHound: So is the Kangaroo you buy in the store farmed or hunted
japad95: I usually eat anything but I associate kangaroos with people too much. Maybe it’s the standing on two legs thing
LA_ArsenalGunner: Excuse me local supermarket meat counter guy, can I get 4 pounds of your finest kangaroo?
thatguyfromvienna: Right, why bother mentioning the other half of the meal?
RandomShitFace: Ew….
_maliceinwonderland: At one of Australia’s grocery store chains (Coles) they package kangaroo sausages and call them Kanga Bangas. And if that’s not the most Australian thing ever, I don’t know what is.
tb8592: What this taste like
gazongas001: What they taste like?
kangaroo_paw: Skippy on the barbie!
faern: poor skippy
Ji-der: Mate, that is practically still hopping. Under cooked.
nexusnotegalaxyapple: Anyone else read the instructions with an Australian accent?
Grjjboy: I had no idea people at Kangaroos
TheLadyEve: That looks awesome. I wish I could get kangaroo where I live.
The1930s: O yea let me go to my local Fry’s and pick up some flipping kangaroo
sangandongo: Sharpen your knife.
afterthefire1: aren’t kangaroos just giant rats? ‘Cause that’s what I imagine rat meat looking like.