Friendly_Freddie: There’s no chance of me ever making them, but I enjoyed watching these immensely.
Chad_Brad: I’m confused. Is this a Manhattan or an Old Fashion? An Old fashion would not have sweet vermouth and require a sugar cube or simple syrup.
topper12g: That is so extra
MrGoodieMob: Extract the water from the center of your ice ball mold.
Two things everyone has
OldJeb: At long last, a fedora you can drink.
devoncsharpe: It was classy until you smashed it with a washer on a rubber band
randomname19870618: Got a party coming up but want to save time making mixed drinks? Make a shit ton of these and store them in the freezer the week or two beforehand. That actually seems like the coolest way to do it.
revicon: I wonder how many times they’ve smashed the glass along w/ the ice with that hammer
Annatar25: I’ll just have a beer, thanks
crimsondimsum: “butterfly pea flower tea” lol
p8nt_junkie: Chemistry + Physics = Smashed!
Geronimo15: That really chiseled my aroma sphere
Iamboredplshelp: But why?
entian: How can you call it an “Old Smashioned”, but not feature how to make an Old Fashioned? 🙁
PurplePickel: The only reason someone would ever make these is because someone immensely richer than they could ever dream of being paid them to.
iamtheliqor: It looks cool, but I’m pretty sure thats not gonna be enough ice and it’ll melt in 5 seconds flat
jensacool: Better hope that nut doesn’t hit and break the glass!
SymmetricBrightTiger: That gif is a 100 megabytes…
ihatepalmtrees: This is the problem with food today. People also see it as entertainment. Looking at you black ice cream..