hibarihime: I’ve never seen chicken parmigiana with cheddar cheese on it. Feel like it’ll just throw the flavor off to me. I’ll stick with the more traditional mozzarella and parmesan. Also, ‘parmy’ sounds more like an sandwich name than just regular chicken parmesan.
theundeadsteve: Aka chicky chicky parm parm
the-face: You didn’t use any parmesan cheese??? It’s in the name.
Stinky_Fartypants: I will have to accept the idea that this is an Australian pub staple. Any Australians want to weigh in on the authenticity? But look at it, stale bread crumbs, over cooked chicken and no Parmesan cheese it just seems like it could be so much better without too much effort.
outthawazoo: Please stop.
leaderofnopack: I know it as Hähnchen schnitzel.
fit-as-a-fiddle-: If you want the American version, use Italian seasoned breadcrumbs mixed with some shredded Parmesan cheese, then put mozz on top instead of cheddar 😋
qawsedrf12: Makes a damn fine sandwich too!
alreetlike: Parmo to me (UK, in Newcastle but they’re big in Middlesbrough), they are usually with bechamel sauce over here rather than tomato, but I like either.
busterwilde: I know people get off to pissing all over this guy’s videos and recipes, but this one is pretty solid. Nobody anywhere claimed it was authentic Italian cuisine. Greg pretty blatantly said this version is Australian pub grub.
And, at the very least, it looks like he didn’t do it on a grill this time.
danefifa08: The good pubs do it with thicker schnitzel and very occasionally Panko instead of standard bread crumbs if they’re fancy. But it must contain a slice of ham under mozzarella cheese to be acceptable in my book.
gregthegregest2: Let’s try that again!
Here’s the original source video recipe: https://youtu.be/E6O1aTCOwrY
The chicken parmy is a pub staple of Australian pubs.
It’s a chicken schnitzel top with pasta sauce and cheese.
Please give the source video some love as these post couldn’t be made without them.
Sorry I haven’t been around much this week, I’ve been busy filming a series about beekeeping with my old man: https://www.youtube.com/thebushbeeman
Thank you to everyone for their on going support.
Complyorbesilenced: The British and their subject nations should not be allowed to cook.
DevilSev: While this is a fine video on what i’m sure is an Australian pug classic, this isn’t a chicken parm. You can’t make a chicken parm without… you guessed it: chicken and PARM. This is a chicken cheddar. You can take creative liberties with ingredient choices on recipes that are more general (i.e mac and cheese can use any type of cheese as long as you’re using macaroni as the pasta base) but when the name of the dish specifically refers to the ingredients involved there isn’t any room for interpretation. I’m not saying this is a bad recipe, but it isnt a chicken parm.
squeaky4all: Its known as a parma and typically its also got ham in additioj to the pasta sauce & cheese.
Coldmonkey67: Parmi not parmy.