ElCharmann: Tasty recently released a series called ‘Taste Your Feed’ in which two amateur cooks try to make really hard recipes. Yesterday they tried this recipe and believe me, it’s not as simple as this gif suggest, since even when they succeeded at the look and texture they failed at the taste. I can’t remember if it took them 6 or 7 attempts to get it right. I’d recommend watching the video if you’re interested in making your own mozzarella
Edit: The tasty series is called ‘Eating your Feed’ and Mozzarella is episode 10 if you’re interested
Thetravelingboy: Could you go a little faster please? I could almost read a few of those.
phreaknes: Check out the Video series ‘Alex French Guy Cooking’ on making Mozzarella onYoutube. It’s not as easy as it seems in this gif
Rietendak: If you screw up this recipe, by like having the temperature too high, or using too little water, do you get a different kind of cheese or is it just very bad mozzarella?
Sun_Beams: I had to slow the gif down to read pretty much every caption.
Pollyanna584: Why did it have to specify non-chlorinated water? Are there people cooking with pool water?
HGpennypacker: So I’m sure this works, like the science will get you mozzarella, but how does this taste?
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SongsOfDragons: [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VbuBcNCgAc) is a good video by Gavin Webber on how to make mozzarella.
EsrailCazar: My head hurt from how fast and choppy that was.
greeperfi: I tried this a while back and my impressions were (1) an entire gallon of milk makes a tiny ball of cheese (2) the cheese is bland AF (3) it’s cheaper to buy better tasting mozzarella from the store
VegetasMustache: Directions unclear, made smoked gouda.
JianJhin: It ruins the art if you make mozzarella with gloves. Your supposed to burn your hands.
Red_Bull_Is_Life: I save so many of these GifRecipes but shamefully I have never made any 🙁
LongTallTexan: > Heat to 95°
> Heat to 105°
Oh okay, let’s just go outside for a minute.
Encelitsep: Is it cheaper to make your own cheese than to buy it?
Edit: cheese not geese
IdleOsprey: This is cheesemaking.com’s current list of good milk sources, by state:
thisrockismyboone: Anyone know where I can get non chlorinated water?
DeadlyFingerSnaps: Would this work with any other kind of milk?
sparkysteve: Amazes me how stuff like this gets invented
totallynotkggk: This looks like a fucking drug extraction lol.
poopchute123: Could YOU SLOW IT THE FUCK DOWN?!?!?
bigjamg: Saving for when I never make this. Amazing
Anthony780: I tried this several times, but I cant find milk near me that isn’t ultra pasteurized.
ExposedTamponString: They’re missing the part where your pot has to be ceramic or stainless steel. If you use any other metal the citric acid won’t activate properly.
NoxiousDogCloud: This gif seems to skip several steps…
AJsprt: Came directly to the comment section to see everyone complaining… was not disappointed
ganoveces: Start with ricotta. much easier. mozz is hard to get right.
bar10005: Someone show this to [Alex French Guy Cooking](https://www.youtube.com/user/FrenchGuyCooking), he is struggling so much to make mozzarella. (though, to be fair, he want’s to make a perfect one, comparable to a professional one)
NannyOggSquad: What’s the difference between this and paneer?
toketokensen: Why is the most complex one the fastest gif lol
zillah1985: Is it cheaper to make your own versus buying fresh at a shop?
hominyhominy: Much easier to order curd online and then pull your own mozzarella. I’ve tried this several times and my results with the full recipe are iffy at best. Buying curd results are great.
MidgetPanda3031: pizza mozzarella, pizza mozzarella, rella rella rella rella rella rella
sefrus: Stupid chemistry, that’s not art.
crickathm: Or you can just buy some.
No_ThisIs_Patrick: This is almost pretty cool but I can’t read 400 wpm 🙁
KrispyKremeBacon: Play-Doh
bubblesfix: Making mozzarella is not as easy as this gif suggest. It’s actually very hard.
And you can’t make mozzarella out of regular whole milk, you need buffalo milk that has the higher fat and protein needed.
poboy212: I’ll just walk down to Caputo’s instead, kthx
IdleOsprey: I attended a workshop hosted by Ricki Carroll (cheesemaking.com) and we made terrific mozzarella and ricotta, and learned the process behind a few more simple cheeses. Highly recommend her workshops/tutorials.
intrigbagarn: > non chlorinated water
Who uses chlorinated water for anything else then a pool? ….. OOOOOh yea USA.
citric_acid_trip: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bigblue026: u/ambieber