adm0210: Recipe
1 cup flour
1-2 eggs (lightly beaten)
Pinch of salt
Make a well with flour and pour half egg mixture in. Stir with fork until mixed. Add egg as needed. Knead with hands (I try not to over mix as I’ve found that over-mixed dough makes for tougher pasta). Wrap in plastic wrap and set aside while you prepare pesto
3 cups fresh basil
2 cloves garlic (roasted)
1 small shallot (roasted)
2 tablespoonfuls of walnuts
1/2 cup Parmesan
1/2 cup olive oil
1/8 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Dash of cayenne
In food processor (I used a nutribullet 😬) add all ingredients and blend. I like a pesto with a bit more of a consistency than a purée.
Begin your water to boil pasta. I manual pasta maker (my daughter’s favorite part of pasta making). She chose Fettuccine but ANY pasta would work with pesto. We put the dough through to make smooth flat sheets of pasta. Again, we try not to overwork the dough. Once we’re happy with consistency, we put through the final pasta shape we picked. Once the pasta is your desired shape, gently put into boiling water. When the pasta floats on the top, it’s ready to drain (if you prefer al dente. Strain and immediately put in your serving bowl and toss with Pesto.
therealmrsnash: That looks GOOOOD
mountainofmars: This is what dreams are made of
dustotter: That looks amazing.
permalias: Pro tip: use some pasta water as a sub for some of the oil in the blender. Just as tasty but a bit more ‘fresh’ with less of the heavy oil.
Gruvrydr70: Damn yum! Well done
kinnex: Awesome thanks
Yatsugami: Gonna make this tomorrow. Cheers!!
rsaralaya: But is it homemade though?
sillyToDo: Obviously you made those with your hands. But it would be more impressive if you made it with your feet. /s