busterwilde: I thought they were going to put a cheesy bacon-jalapeno sauce over chicken fries, not a cheesy bacon-jalapeno sauce with chicken in it over regular fries.
I’d still eat the entire plate while feeling like a fatass, don’t get me wrong.
Kerblimey: I think my arteries just had a seizure. 🤣
Waspaz: I really understand the logic of cooking the chicken in oil when you can cook the bacon first, put it aside, then use its grease to cook the chicken.
guybehindawall: Well where the fuck did the fries come from?
soomuchcoffee: I would have done the bacon first then the chicken, and then dipped fries into it, or put it over nachos. I think the execution is lacking but that being said 9/10 would hook directly to my veins.
CarnageInFlames: Yeah, I’d let that kill me.
TheCloudDart12: Didn’t even season the damn chicken .
I2ed3ye: /r/gifsthatendtoosoon
aufdie87: Is double cream the same as heavy whipping cream?
bigpigbigtwig: Full recipe: [http://twistedfood.co.uk/jalapeno-popper-chicken-fries/](http://twistedfood.co.uk/jalapeno-popper-chicken-fries/)
hopehurts: My arse got bigger just watching this
Seventy_x_7: I’m going full Homer Simpson with the drooling right now
ThaNorth: I feel like you don’t even need the chicken.
Add onions instead and then just use it as a dip.
dezradeath: I know we all had a heart attack watching this. I can make some “healthy” substitutions, although they’re not perfect. Instead of the double cream, use coconut milk or lowfat cow’s milk. Instead of meat I would use roughly chopped cauliflower. I didn’t see any seasoning besides salt/pepper, so I’d add in some paprika and a dash of chili powder. Jalapenos are fine, of course. You’re essentially just making a queso dip that dumps over fries. Have fun with it, experiment etc.
TheLadyEve: Here’s a tip: pound those breasts a bit to even out the thickness. Not super thin like a cutlet, just enough to make them even width throughout. Your chicken will cook more evenly and more quickly.
fakeusername55: Why just add the cream. Why not make a roux? When you want this to be a little bit thicker?
qawsedrf12: Either a lopsided table
or worse,
a mistreated cast iron pan that has been warped, so the oil pools to one side
hells_fortune: i think it needs a bit more cheese