Chester555: This made it in a skillet is way better.
Fry egg to the temp you like using a little oil and butter.
Add ham to skillet as you’re cooking egg to heat it up
Once egg is done Add a little more butter to skillet and brown a tortilla on one side placing egg ham cheese and whatever else you like I usually add some green chili
Fold tortilla up like a burrito
Takes about 10 minutes from start to finish.
ZaynesWorld: Looks great but there are 100 ways to cook bacon and eggs that don’t take half an hour
Lord-Table: there is no way that is fitting in my pocket
atlasroam: This needs some crispy potatoes
Dongdingaling: This would make a good camping breakfast, just throw the foil packets along the edge of the morning fire.
dallashatemachine: I just see a way to fuck up a breakfast burrito.
Cook innards all together in a pan and salt and pepper them. Put in tortilla with hot sauce. Eat. It’s not that hard.
TheBlindMonk: Looks like a waste of time and resources. Unless you make 20 of these theres no way this method is convenient.
Also overcooked rubbery egg.
1j2o3r4g5e: Or…. just cook the freaking egg for 2 minutes, warm the tortilla for a minute, add ham and cheese, wrap it all together. Enjoy!!! 25 minutes??? Wtf?! Lol
djcherripie: This is a wake up wrap and I will spend $2 on one at Dunkin’ Donuts over this shit any day.
muzik_23: Am I the only one that thinks this looks nasty
DerpHard: /r/shittyfoodporn
PEbeling: People seem to be missing the point. I feel like this is more for people who like to meal prep. You could easily fit 5 of these on a pan each, have two pans, bake them, and Bam. Breakfast for the work week for a couple.
I get how easy it is to make ham, egg, and cheese in a skillet and roll it like a burrito. But 10 of those gets tiring, and takes longer than the 10-15 minutes of prep work and 10 minutes of baking for 10 of these.
whiskey_clit: A hard cooked egg? What kind of terrorist shit is this?
NoGlitzThanks: You should make it with crescent roll dough instead of tortilla.
borkamork: This would probably be better if you could cook it on a grill or something. And then add some crunch to it. Like some kind of crunchy wrap. What would you call that?
bellagootch: That’s Breakfast burrito tho
ohcrapanotheruserid: r/gif”recipes”
ss0889: scramble some eggs in a bowl, microwave it, throw this whole thing together, microwave it some more, you’re done.
who the fuck heats up the entire fucking oven early in the morning just to get some breakfast?
grab some coffee and gtfo.
DOPE_AS_FUCK_COOK: Who the fuck up votes this shit?
dootbin: This looks like hot garbage.
mandelboxset: /r/shittyfoodporn
DrCodyRoss: That’s just a simple breakfast taco that you folded the tortilla two extra times and wasted 30 minutes to make. Use a pan and be done in 10.
fro99er: To take this to the next level make sure you [make your own cheese blend](
Systimatic: How long will this keep in a fridge?
Armsofs: My wife and I make these all the time. We make a ton ahead of time and use them as a quick breakfast before work. Easy, delicious, convenient.
Flappy-tit: Does this microwave well? Considering just making a bunch on a Sunday night and having for breakfast before work
millserama: ‘In a hurry and need a quick breakfast? Get this quick snack prepped in 30 seconds…then bake for 25 minutes…”
NickTheGamerNerd: 1 egg. *HowToBasic crashes through wall*
Mars_Velo1701: r/therestofthefuckingowl
MattyPDNfingers: That is some shiny ham, is it moist? I love moist shiny ham.
godlesspinko: Baked it too long.
That yolk should be running all over that mess.
lilwil392: Didn’t know there was an improper way to make a breakfast burrito until just now
snorlz: this looks like a shitty attempt at a breakfast burrito.
also, who needs a video to teach them how to make this? you literally just make the ingredients you want, put them in a tortilla, and wrap it up. Next time are you gonna teach us how to make a PB&J sandwich? or maybe cup ramen?
sangandongo: Why is bullshit like this upvoted? This is such a low effort, low skill, low satisfaction recipe.
Chara1979: Some recipes posted here are just poorly executed, but I think this is a contender for dumbest recipe posted.
Subliminill: Stop it. Just cook it like a normal person: on the stove top. And stop eating half cooked, soggy tortillas.
DougEECummings: Full recipe from [TipHero](
**Ham and Cheese Breakfast Pockets**
Serves 1
Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Total Time: 27 Minutes
* 1 large tortilla
* 2 slices low-moisture ham
* ⅓ cup shredded cheddar cheese
* 1 egg
* salt & pepper, to taste
* Aluminum foil
* non-stick cooking spray
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F / 175°C. Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet and spray one side of it with non-stick cooking spray.
1. Place the tortilla on the greased foil.
1. Place the ham slices, slightly overlapping one another, into the center of the tortilla.
1. Place half of the cheese on top of the ham and create a small well in the center.
1. Crack the egg into the cheese well. Season it with salt and pepper, and top the egg with the remaining cheese.
1. Fold the sides of the tortilla in toward the center to create a pocket. Wrap the folded tortilla pocket loosely with foil. Center the foil pouch on the baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes, or until the egg feels firm to the touch. Remove the foil pouch from the oven, unwrap it, and allow it to cool slightly before eating.
InLoveWithAbsol: I’ll admit, I was a bit concerned when I saw a raw egg broke directly onto a tortilla, but I must say: the final product looks absolutely amazing.
dramady: That looks delicious
11OtherPeople: Cheese should NOT be that colour.
DlSCONNECTED: I need the recipe for that cheese blend.
Quillric: The egg is over cooked anyway.
sweetdaddy: going to give this a shot tomorrow morning
DeprivedChyld13: Use Taylor ham like a real man
MindPlex23: Bruh its a hotpocket
DontTrustmyResearch: Y’all mother fuckers up vote anything with cheese.
wooptyfrickindoo: Id throw these on a panini press or hot pan for a little after to seal it and get it crispy
_redditor_in_chief: Conveniently edited out the folding-tortilla shitshow that would have broken every flour tortilla on the planet with that fold attempt.
They stopped tape, steamed the tortilla, then refolded it.
SketchyActiviti: I dont have 25 minutes
Firestorm7i: Now this is something i’d actually be willing to make.
Zeke1902: Ham, cheese and egg*
dmstealth: I’m assuming people getting ready for work don’t want to sit in front of the skillet watching their food, whereas throwing it in the oven gives them a solid 25 minutes to finish getting ready. Pop them out of the oven and probably leave for work/whatever.
Z3R083: Just make a breakfast burrito. Way better.
imaccully: Gross
Panzerbjorne393: I lol’d.
LovecraftLovejoy: So….a burrito, basically.
lurkerfox: Everyone complaining about the time it takes and here I am sitting mad as hell they put salt on an uncooked egg.
Jacobinite: that was the most disappointing cross-section ever.
Brocklesocks: Not even a single vegetable.
radgyal: Gross
obsolete_filmmaker: So after they bake, I would put them on the comal and flip it a couple of times to cook that tortilla properly….otherwise it looks pretty good!
LimaBeens: It’s a breakfast burrito for people obsessed with not being “basic”.
glazier-heat: So a sincronizada with an egg right? I’d rather have a sonctonizada and some scrambled eggs
legalfoxx: Needs more carbs and saturated fat
Asunen: More cheese than ham and egg put together
early_morning_blow: looks disgusting
makeme84: I really need WAY more cheese and salt and pepper
Bahamut_Ali: 25 minutes?! Whos got that kind of time for a tiny thing like that?
acrylicAU: Pretty garbage. I wonder how many tries it took before they got that final shot instead of a soggy mess.
In_TheBananaStand: yeah no. us working people have 10 minutes to make breakfast. that’s the whole point. if i have to preheat or prepare, it’s not breakfast.
dan_sundberg: Look at that runny yolk….But seriously tho, people are running out of ideas
TimX24968B: DIY hot pockets
bidgond: Dont make us eat an egg this way douglas.
YouAreSoWoke: “how to eat shit and get fat”
thisisafullsentence: I work from home so I’ve _got_ the time to make this recipe work. Otherwise looks easy and tasty. Thanks!
Drogen24: Who’s got 25 minutes to cook these in the morning?
cloudsourced285: Lol, Orange cheese isn’t cheese
Overcusser: 25 minutes to make a basic af breakfast? fuck that.