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FeckTad: More cheese. More bacon.
dysenterygary69: You mean Beer and Cheddar Soup?
mikeyrh: How different is Irish cheddar to normal cheddar?
completelytrustworth: eh, not enough bacon. I’d stir in a bunch of diced crispy bacon bits after the cream and cheese so that you get more than just the bits thrown on top for as garnish.
diearzte2: Anyone know who makes that dutch oven? I kinda like the handles.
HGpennypacker: Throw some popcorn on there.
Sincerely Yours,
xlfasheezy: Had me at bacon. bacon and reduced beer by themselves.. yummy
ZombieAttacker: I may be dumb but what would this taste like? Like a chowder?
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DJGMac: dumb question, would the beer have any alcoholic content left? I’d like to make this but my GF can’t drink beer
theodorebee: this looks amazinggg! has anyone ever had it?
KlutzyChemist: R E P O S T