Tips and photos
## Spaghettis with prawns and spicy sauce
### Ingrédients (for 4 people)
* 400g of spaghetti
* 400g peeled prawns (fresh or frozen)
* 100g dried tomatoes cut into thin strips
* 1 candied lemon, finely diced
* Olive oil
* salt / pepper
* 1 small bunch of finely chopped parsley
* 3 cloves garlic, peeled, degerminated and finely chopped
* 100g of single cream
* 1 egg yolk
* 1 tbsp. curry balti
### Préparation (10 min + 10 min cooking time)
* Put the spaghetti to cook in a large volume of salted water (usually 7 minutes of cooking).
* In a hot frying pan heat a little olive oil.
* Sauté the garlic, then add the prawns and dried tomatoes. Sauté for 7 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
* In a bowl, combine the cream, egg yolk and curry powder.
* Off the heat, pour this mixture into the pan and mix to coat the shrimp well.
* Return to low heat and add a little pasta cooking water to the pan (about 2 tbsp).
* Drain the spaghetti and add it to the pan. Mix thoroughly.
* Finish by adding parsley and candied lemon. Serve immediately.