Nach0Man_RandySavage: I went to High School in Minnesota with many Hmong, Vietnamese and Laotian people and Hot Dog fried rice is really common.
neoicebear: I’m Asian and I can confirm. Hot dog fried rice is A+.
Marilyn_Hammershaft: College meal prep Sunday.
IamGrimReefer: yeah, that looks good.
jafhrdz: Yea I’m Mexican and this seems normal
macsyme: Don’t eat this with chopsticks because you think that’s the authentic way. No Asian I know uses chopsticks for rice. Spoons all the way.
Chopsticks for eating salad, pizza, fried eggs, ice cream, cake? Sure no problem. Rice? What are you nuts?
NihilisticPriest: # #PovertyPorn?
jquinnifer: My family did this all the time but you use Chinese sausage instead of just regular hotdogs.
YupaDoto: doesnt this taste really bland ?
i dont see many spices
Immagicman: Gross
CuntCorner: Disgusting.