lunchesandbentos: I started fishing about 2 weeks ago at my local dock with my kids, and to my surprise, I caught a huge eel. (I was terrified I caught a snake at first.) Here’s the eel if anyone is interested:
I ended up doing kabayaki with it, but my knife skills are crud at this point since it’s something I never worked with. Fresh eel is absolutely delicious though! The picture is before I grilled it.
**Kabayaki Sauce**
-1/4 cup mirin
-1/4 cup sake
-2/3 cup soy sauce
-1/4 cup dashi stock
-1/8 cup sugar
-1 tablespoon honey
-1 tablespoon cornstarch (to thicken)
1. Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan and stir over medium heat until thickened and alcohol has burned off.
Gut, debone, fillet with skin on, cut into 5 inch segments, and skewer with bamboo skewers perpendicular to the length so that it’s easy to handle and won’t fall apart.
1. Place in an oven safe pan and broil on high for 10 minutes or until skin has started to crisp. Remove and place in a steamer for 30 minutes or in a pressure cooker for 6 minutes. Until skin is fork tender.
2. Prepare grill and place skewers, skin side down over charcoal and brush with kabayaki sauce. Flip and do the same on the other side. Continue slathering on sauce and flipping until slightly charred. Can be done in a toaster oven/conventional oven on broil as well.