Dr-Mantis-Tobogan: This guy is obsessed with his charcoal grill. I swear it’s the only gifrecipes I see anymore
Vidar34: Looks like a nice beer-snack. Will try, if I can *find* jalapenos.
Uberkorn: I feel like the chicken isn’t needed here. Bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers seem awesome.
pryomancer: I don’t think it should count as a popper when two of those with some veg and mash is a main course.
HatGuysFriend: I️ will add the following comments:
– it is much easier to scrape seeds out with a spoon that cut with a knife.
– if you want the jalapeños to have less/no spice, wash them after scraping out the seeds.
Source: jalapeño popper expert
Jbrizown: Anyone have a suggestion for doing these without a grill? In cast iron in oven maybe? I get you can’t really smoke them that way but I don’t have a functioning grill currently
aceoftrachs: r/Keto might be into this minus maybe the BBQ sauce.
Infin1ty: What kind of “BBQ Rub” comes in a spice grinder? That’s the only thing that really has me scratching my head on this one.
fosterwallacejr: Removing seeds from jalapenos is for…chickens
gregthegregest: Source: https://youtu.be/zB1GLEzC_m4
Please give the other recipes on this channel a look! I recommended the homemade bacon recipe 😉
DocDerry: No stick spray on Aluminum foil. Aluminum foil on that side of the grill. Poppers on foil.
wooshock: Those look awesome. Could even put them on a roll with BBQ sauce and coleslaw
joeman2277: I really like your style here! 😳
gibertot: Take bbq sauce out and its keto
new_cake_day: Love the tiny blue tongs coming in at the end.
GlobalBlackout: Would it be significantly detrimental to the taste if these were cooked in an oven?
Nizzler: A new and fun take on the traditional ABT. Looking forward to giving it a shot
the_bum_on_the_bus: Yum
peetabix: Nice recipe but what is it with the barbeque? Its November for Christ’s sake!
wheeliechacha: On what planet is a whole chicken thigh a popper?
CpC52: These look great! Can anyone help me with how to make these in an oven? I don’t have a grill yet D:
Bohya: Chopping Jalapenos without using gloves is making my eyes water.
DerekB74: Anybody know if it makes a difference if you deep fry it?
nduece: Is there any way to make this in an oven? This is a pretty neat recipe.
willnyebass: In Texas we call those armadillo eggs
Cryptic-Panther: More pixels please
Acheron13: Cutting jalapenos without gloves has never turned out well for me.
OpaqueView: I just let this gif replay for about 6 minutes. Those look great!
Sweet_Taurus0728: These are better when stuffed with some kind of cheese. I have a friend who makes’em a lot for parties.
Trollonasan: My sister did something like this once but I wonder if she used chicken breast because they were very dry.
elheber: I want to try this without the chicken and instead of on the grill, done in either the oven or deep fried. Will this work?
JimmyDean82: Taste better with duck than chicken. This is how we cook our duck down here. This or a gumbo.
Adr3am3rs: I never cook. This looks easy.
p_cool_guy: Yooooo, dumb question incoming:
The last few gifs I’ve seen where grilling is involved, I see them dump the hot coals on the grill and I’m assuming smashing them through the grill so they end up on the bottom. Is that what you’re supposed to do? I’ve always lifted the little opening on the grill and tried to pour my coals down that way. Admittedly sometimes it can be difficult getting the coals to spread evenly.
GayWarden: Ugh these recipes have so much meat. Don’t get me wrong, I love meat, but a snack like jalapeno poppers shouldn’t have a chicken breast wrapped around it. Bacon should be enough.
HatGuysFriend: Jalapeño Popper expert has an inverse income ratio. The better you become, the more people ask you to make them, and the poorer you become.
But that’s ok. Poppers iz lyfe
drdomdom: Leaving this here for later
Flerbaderb: I like to make these as well, but I cut my thighs into 2-3 pieces and use only one slice of bacon per. The difference being that the chicken cooks faster and the bacon doesn’t burn or over cook and get all gross. I love the indirect heat approach, but this cooking with prep takes quite some time. I find myself cooking directly most times, hence the change for less density.
Killxthexdreamer: Also amazing done with duck!!
Qwirk: I’m under the firm belief that you shouldn’t wrap bacon in anything unless you cook the bacon separately. Typically you end up with bacon that’s cooked poorly.
point_nemo_: Looks like a meat abcess
babousbiggerbrother: You mean chicken thighs wrapped in bacon, filled with cream cheese and a little bit of jalapeno
TheSharmat: In these gifs, every time I see the coals about to be poured out, for some reason my brain turns to “so I put on my robe and wizard hat”.
abbeef: this recipe is better with a game bird like pheasant or chukkar
b0ringusern4me: r/misleadingthumbnails
jnvincent93: Well color me horngry.
SaebraK: Post the recipe.
And I don’t know what’s up with all the grill stuff lately, but there needs to be alternate cooking methods. (A lot of apartment dwellers can’t grill.)
bashpop: Terrible.
HotLikeFire: This guy and his charcoal. You’re soooooo cool. Get bent.
glorified_plumber: Why the fuck does everything need bacon on it? I swear I once saw a bacon margarita. Get over this poverty meat please.
sltoa: I assumed that a popper should be able to be popped into your mouth. I don’t my mom could even hoover one of these.
Reddit_is_American: This looks hot. Literally. Too hot
babyrabiesfatty: Yeah, it’s not a popper when it becomes bigger than something you can eat in 1-2 bites.
Cool gif. I’m just being picky.
Thwipped: Yeah…that’s not how I make them.