vcpink: Question: How is farm raised salmon bad for whales? How does that make any sense?
mrpeeps1: Why would wild salmon be vanishing? With more people eating farmed salmon shouldn’t that mean less people are eating wild salmon and giving it a chance to replenish?
nearxbeer: “Toxins”… smh. Not sure who made this or why but it reeks of marketing.
mcguirem: Lol this is the most bullshit post I have seen in a while.
Wild salmon are good for our oceans… When they are fucking alive?
The coloring is added because people pay more for darker salmon, with no nutritional reasoning behind it.
Higher in toxins? prove it?
wild salmon cleaner….???????
ae-keji: Farming is also more sustainable than wild caught.
svendburner: Pretty sure this got debunked last time it was posted. One picture is salmon, one is not.
pickles2828: And also farmed salmon doesn’t hurt the native population if anything it’s allowed lawmakers to make much stricter regs because demand can be met without raping the ocean
ETHICAL_TESTICLE: Are farmers doing this to alter the taste? Or is it pure aesthetics?
3kindsofsalt: Looks like salmon vs steelhead.
Fish don’t vary THAT much between species.
AuraXmaster: Now I want sushi. Thanks.
JapaneseStudentHaru: I read that the reason salmon are pink is because of their diet and farmed salmon are colored artificially so they look like salmon. Otherwise they have grey/white meat like other fish. Beef is also colored. When you go to market do you want a pink salmon or a white one? A red beef chuck or a grey one?
NotFromReddit: Farmed salmon is also not as anti-inflammatory and has less Omega 3’s.
pickles2828: I don’t no what kind of salmon the wild caught is in this pic but I fish out of Northern California and our kings look a lot more like the farmed salmon as far as fat content and fat is flavor
pickles2828: As much
EzioAuditore8: God damnit i’ve been eating farmed salmon 🙁
BaconAndEggsBernays: [Face off…](