allurmemesrbelong2me: Don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like that but it looks like it could be pretty good
MimonFishbaum: Looks tasty but I’d bloom the pepper *and chili flake in the bacon fat and add some herbs before adding the tomatoes.
kickso: **The dish can be baked in an oven proof dish – bowl, tray, anything. Just has to be quite deep, so you can layer up the pasta and the cheese.**
Cooking Time (Includes Preparation Time): 1 Hour
500g Rigatoni – £0.56
250g Ricotta – £1.20
100g Parmesan – £2.00
300g Smoked Bacon – £2.00
3 Aubergines – £2.10
2 Cloves of Garlic – £0.30
2 Tins of Chopped Tomatoes – £0.62
Crushed Chillies – £0.85
**Total Cost – £9.63 – This covers absolutely everything. All we assume you have in your kitchen beforehand is SALT, PEPPER AND OLIVE OIL.**
[Full Recipe
SwagSerpent69: Would like to do something like this but I absolutely hate eggplant, anybody have a good idea for a replacement?
SSBM_DangGan: Imma be honest it looks butt ugly at the end hahaha but all the stuff going into it means it must taste great.
thecolourfulabyss: I would eat that whole thing
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PM_ME_2DISAGREEWITHU: Is there a way to speed this gif up even more?
SimonStu: My keyboard just got full of drool…
cybelechild: Getting three different pans dirty? Yeah, Ill just make some pasta
loidlars: Substitute a diced veggie for the bacon to make this vegetarian
LeeJun-fan1973: Interesting. Personally I don’t like eggplant. And I’ve made Amatriciana sauce before, the baking is unnecessary. You should put some sugar and salt and acid to fight the fat of the bacon and tartness of the tomatoes.
skert: Why do I find MOB MOB MOB so irritating?