Voile: You lost me at ‘leftover french fries’
BlueberryOnions: Your ketchup:food ratio is so very off
negadiz: Also, I used leftover five guys cajun fries so they’re already seasoned.
raptor_face: Also works with potatoes O’Brian.
cssensing87: Been doing this for a while! They work great for potato pancakes if you grind them up too.
pleasedontsmashme: I’ve done this. The results are not great
lisa101714: Any way you make them, it’s potatoes and will therefore be delicious!!
johnny_ihardlyknewye: I thought this was r/shittyfoodporn for a second, but I salute your originality
homechefskitchen: you can also cut into pieces and add into beaten eggs and make omlette
tman1114: aren’t these technically *home fries*?
dngrs: or just make an omelette with them
kingeryck: ew