Jim808: My doctor told me that I need to start eating more deep fried carbs and cheese.
stringcheesetheory9: Laughed so hard at that amount of pepper
erasels: Is it really lasagna if there’s no meat or tomato sauce inside?
frothy-octopus: Better not put too much pepper…
SnoopyDies: I’m not complaining but those are cheese sticks.
AiightThenFam: that’s a sad amount of pepper
PeruBearAscension: Woah, mate. Go easy on the pepper.
ajs9119: I shouldn’t be here when I’m starving…
Nemeblubb: That’s two of my favourite words combined.
here_for_the_lols: TIL pasta + cheese = lasagne
defendsRobots: Chumps asking for meat when they should be asking where dat spinach at?
Ricotta? More like Ri*GOTTA* have some spinach in this bitch.
Mcmacladdie: Why do so many of these recipes never list the amounts needed?
LoveBotMan: They were too busy thinking if they could do it that they never bothered asking if they should.
OneBlueAstronaut: What the fuck is wrong with you guys
fitbitch3: As a lactose intolerant person I would suffer to eat these
speedy45: Maybe some pepperoni slices inside? Is this doable in an air fryer?
bark_wahlberg: This video looks like it was edited by someone who used to make Beagle Bite commercials in the late 90s and early 00s.
Planck_FOSpace: Why call it lasagna?
Shiblets: Throw some sun dried tomatoes in those rollups and you have a deal.
krugerflaw: why.
kayobro123: Waay too much pepper. What are you trying to do? kill us?
saretra: These are super common in Aus/NZ – I can buy them at my local supermarket pre-made (and there’s meat in them!). Google ‘Lasagne Toppers’
S1mon91: This has to be an American invention…
chesterSteihl69: In St. Louis this would be called toaster lasagna
ChuckFromPhilly: Hey goober, where’s the meat?
Reddit_is_American: Well fuck me twice that looks good
_eclair: Never enough pepper.
Cinnamonbite: I miss fried ravioli
CodOnElio: Bah
biggiesmallish: Wasn’t sure what to expect. Glad I watched! Definitely a good party app.
epicurean56: Oh no! He’s gonna DOUBLE-DIP!
mbcb: You make me sick.
ujlien: wtf this is not lasagna.
this is why you’Re fat america
klipe: just make fried ravioli ffs
hcsLabs: Where’s the beef? ™
ChrisReef: Bitch lasagna
AngryAssHedgehog: I’m salivating
JubBird: [Where is it?](https://media1.tenor.com/images/0b193d90a3e134f16b2d49d05f959b09/tenor.gif)
Beardia: I wish I had the stovetop/ Counter space to be able to do the things I see on here.
Bacongrease99: Wow
DjTotenkopf: That lasagne looks crisp
vitamindionysus: Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
hmans: No.
AvoidingCape: Dryyyyyyyy. What makes lasagna…well, lasagna, is the tomato sauce inside.
RsdX5Dfh: Oh come on! Pull out the grill and fire up the coals! 😉
eesquid: WHERE’S DA BEEF?
Miknop: I HATE M O N D A Y S
the_eric: Is lasagna broken? Does it need to be desecrated like this?
OreoSaIad: Down with mealthy.
All hail Delish
munaught1: *internal screaming*
KazamaSmokers: Your house will smell like fryer oil for a week.
StrangeClownRabbit: I wanted a tomato based sauce in the lasagna.
BestGameMaster: .
TuberculosisAZ: Read “Iguana” the first time and was confused. Dyslexia is a bitch
JayLapse: Can anyone give me tips on how to properly fry in a frying pan? Every time I try, I fill the entire house with smoke once the food goes in, and I’m honestly becoming too afraid to keep trying lol
nivo92: Closed after I saw ricotta and garlic
Biochemhistory: They make it look so easy. Feel bad when I fuck it up
Gordon_Leadfoot: it’s just the DXL version of Fried Ravioli, and DJ Khalid is on it.
dukck: Guaranteed double dipper here.
PM_ME_FLAKY_BISCUITS: This looks like a disgusting excuse for lasagna that shouldn’t be fried. And terribly unhealthy… and I would eat SO much of it given the chance.
raspvidy: That lasagne looks crisp
Barrel_Trollz: I ate those food
isthisSnapchat: Where’s the fucking meat?
Glane1818: I predict a lot of double dipping with these
GoldenAgeGamer: They actually sell these in New Zealand, they’re called Lasagna Toppers. They’ve got mince inside and it’s pretty typical to eat them in a sandwich
GlitchSymphony: waaaaannnnttttt
Tefached_Punk: I gained weight just looking at it.
Killer_Tomato: I think stuffed and breaded giant rigatoni or jumbo shells might be better than rolled lasagna noodles.
heart-station: My lasagne has more than cheese and noodles in it. Where’s the meat? Where’s the tomato sauce? The basil?
Mister__S: No meat?
ep1939: As an Italian I’m beyond disgusted when I see this things.
Especially since they’re called lasagna.
Downvote me as much as you want, but this is pure shit.
Garkaz: Why are you all afraid to call pasta pasta? “Lasagne noodles” is so lol
Binary_Omlet: God damn I need these.
JacksonFiveLayerDip: I picked the wrong week to start paleo.
linksbitch: Oooo, my man actually made lasagna last night. He blanched eggplant and deep fried them to top the lasagna. Super tasty! We heard the roomies moaning downstairs while they ate it. Deep fried eggplant y’all, try it with your pasta!
NeanerBeaner: Why do Americans have to fucking deep fry everything.
Garfield would be ashamed of this.
Glydon_: Why do Americans fry everything?
Hayleycakes2009: Another one added to the “save” list, thank you!
bigoldgeek: Totally not commenting to save
sawbones84: Bringing r/gifrecipes back to its roots!
yodaman1: I was expecting a, “Punish your toliet” or “Eat this shit” caption to show up
KippaxStreet1880: Not a lasagna, not even really close
CipherPol0: Why make such an already unhealthy dish even worse for you?
Killzark: You just made me cum my mouth