CuntCorner: That looks dry and bland. An interesting visual concept but I don’t think it would taste very nice.
mcfeezie: I don’t see how this is an improvement over baking them horizontally with more sauce. Feels like more work for less results.
Scherni: Nah.
aManPerson: those manicotti will just end up serving as single bite chunks. i’m human, i know what i’m going to do.
Seductive_G: It looks like something my grandparents would eat at a fucking Old Country Buffet. This looks dry and even though it shows it being made fresh looks like it was sitting out for a while.
Supper_Champion: Gonna echo the “this looks dry” comments. Could easily double the sauce and it would probably turn out much nicer.
bear-necessitease: I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just make stuffed manicotti with dipping sauce lol
RevoZ89: Where the f can I get one of these pans???
babylovesbaby: Gifs similar to this one have come up periodically and the same comments get made: too dry, not enough sauce. This is accurate, sadly – sorry gif makers trying to make the food look cool as well as tasting good.
This would be better done cooked in a baking dish, not standing up, and with two or three times more sauce covering all of the pasta.
wenger91: This looks weird. And dry. I like Cannelloni much more 🙂
Tha_Darkness: Would probably taste a lot better simply made into a lasagna…with more sauce in the layers.
HailAtlantis: There’s no fucking way that the manicotti pieces would stick to each other and cut into whole pie pieces without falling apart. That’s why they used so little marinara sauce, to help the pasta stick together. Mamma Mia, it’sa impossible!
piiing: anybody know what kind of watch that person is wearing? it’s super cute!
pintsofguinness: What if you added a layer of marinara to the bottom and the top? Would that help with dryness?
asstasticassassin: Yeah cause that’s not fuckin gross.
Oafus: This is causing some internal texture issues that are not favorable. In short, the visual of those manicottis is a little too close to some Marianas Trench life hose that I would like to run through a cuisinart until puréed to hell.
Then doused with diesel, lit and torched to a black scab.
Let the healing begin.
GiantFlightlessBird: Not a chance, Charles dance
rainbowcanoe: You seriously believe I’m descended from some kind of flightless manicotti?
Jacktown79: Trypophobia alert.
SnausageFest: Is it just me or is the manicotti tiny? Even before it got cut. I’m used to big manicotti that’s stuffed fat with filling. I’m not a big pasta person (*I know, I know*) which is one of the reasons I like manicotti – good filling to pasta ratio.
communistbee: they say they put pepper in there but you literally can’t see it
outerheavenboss: It needs more cheese and more sauce… A white sauce perhaps?
DiabeetusMan: I’ve never seen a GifRecipe start _in medias res_ like this
nsgiad: cooked chicken breast, bake for 30 more minutes. This is the reason why people think chicken sucks and is always rubbery. Use thighs in this recipe to salvage it a bit.
angelcake: I think this could be really good but I would cook and drain the spinach thoroughly first, otherwise you’re going to end up with way too much liquid.
JungleHam: Why is there always so much cheese, oh my god
Molysridde: Looks balnd
GearWings: That looks good I want it so bad
MichaelRahmani: [Source] (
> 24 oz manicotti, al dente
> 2 cups artichoke heart, chopped
> 2 cups fresh spinach, chopped
> 1 cup chicken breast, cooked, shredded
> 1 ½ cups ricotta cheese
> 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese, divided
> 1 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided
> 2 cloves garlic, minced
> salt, to taste
> pepper, to taste
> 1 cup marinara sauce
> fresh parsley, chopped, for serving
> Preheat oven to 350°F (180˚C).
> Cook manicotti a couple minutes under the box instructions.
> Drain in a colander, and cut manicotti in half.
> Arrange manicotti tubes upright in a parchment paper-lined springform pan until the pan is packed with the tubes.
> In a large bowl, combine artichokes, spinach, chicken, ricotta cheese, ½ of the mozzarella cheese, ½ of the parmesan cheese, garlic, salt, and pepper.
> Transfer the spinach and artichoke mixture into a piping bag.
> Fill each manicotti tube about ¾ of the way up with spinach and artichoke mixture.
> Spoon tomato sauce over the filled manicotti.
> Top with remaining mozzarella cheese, and parmesan cheese.
> Cover with foil and bake 15 minutes. Remove foil and bake an additional 15 minutes or until cheese is melted.
> Garnish with parsley, if desired.
> Enjoy!
Gaelfling: I guess I am the only person that likes drier pasta? I like saucy pasta to but a good dry, stuffed shell is nice.
felds: maybe a little more cheese could fix it?