agave_wheat: If you want to see the scene and and a how to of the recipe:
canada5dollarbill: Couple things.
1. Love this movie (Chef). If you haven’t seen it, I’m pretty sure it’s still on Netflix. Highly recommend.
1. This is a good recipe, but I’ve made Chef John’s [here]( and it’s incredible.
Plantbitch: I made this the other night. Not as impressed as I thought I would be. I thought the olive oil and the pasta would somehow form a sauce instead of my noodles just resting in olive oil (maybe I did it wrong) My house smelled amazing though!
RedShinyButton: If the garlic is that huge and that much….you won’t want to be making out and/or sleeping next to the eater of that pasta….unless they look like her.
TBOIA: This happens to me all the time
PrettyPeaceful: I love this movie. I just watched it on Saturday night with my husband. I wanted to eat every dish I saw in it!