thereisapeninmyview: I’m missing the joke right??
roscoe_hobbs: [original](
TheLadyEve: …Was the plan to stuff the shells with shells and cheese? Like, cheesy shell-ception?
Why did it end early? Is this a test? What do you want from us?
mfernandez101: Did I miss the part where the shells are “stuffed”?
rawlingstones: man passive-aggressive /r/GifRecipes is my favorite /r/GifRecipes I fucking love this sub
poopyheadthrowaway: Here’s an idea: Make it a scallop mac and cheese (never actually heard of such a thing, but I’d imagine it’d work since lobster mac and cheese does) and serve on scallop shells.
jillsmo: Why?
Thel3lues: I’d probably just end up getting easy mac and cheez-it’s but yes this does look delicious
GailaMonster: Still not fixed, this is a partial gif.
e: i wooshed.