Oil-of-Vitriol: Had me scared there for a bit.
Rosveen: My heart stopped for a moment.
Jinxtah: What a troll. I love it.
vhisic: Alternatively, take the fish from its bowl, sprinkle with salt, and bake for 20 mins. Yum! Since the fish is still alive it with flop around in the oven until it dies to give a nice even cook throughout.
jdgamester: baked buttplugs
PM-Me-Your-Macchiato: I feel like a lot of these recipes don’t understand how thick 1/2 inch really is.
HottieMcHotHot: Seriously, a huge box of goldfish is like $7.
elitegenoside: That fish is really chubby.
BabaOrly: I’m digging the aesthetic choices, here.
Bocote: Starting the gif with a real goldfish got me worried for a bit, until I saw the fish shaped cookie cutter. (that left to right shot of the ingredients …)
insidezone64: Short form: *drop marijuana leaves into bowl. wait.*
Gaelfling: Add some cayenne pepper to give them a spicier taste.
Emerl: PSA: finish watching the gif first before killing your gold fish. RIP Jeremy.
LadenGray: Upvote for how nice the video is done.
wooq: Recipe is whatever, but that is one quality gif.
NinjahBob: can’t go wrong with fat and flour
285i: I was hoping it would be one giant goldfish, but that works too.
matebeatscoffee: Not sure if cookie recipe or typography ad.
crash12345: I feel like this will have me wishing I was eating the real thing.
Uncle_Retardo: [Baked Goldfish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxyzFkfion8) by SheKnows How To
* 8 oz shredded sharp cheddar Cheese
* 4 tbsp. butter cut into chunks
* 1 cup all-purpose wheat flour
* ¼ tsp. salt
* 2 ½ tbsp. of milk
1. Put cheese, butter, flour and salt in food processor and mix till crumbly
2. Pour milk in food processor and mix for 2 minutes, or until the dough balls up
3. Gather and form into big balls
4. Roll out dough between two pieces of plastic wrap
5. Place in fridge for 10 minutes
6. Pre heat oven to 350 F
7. Roll dough to a ¼ inch thick
8. Cut out fishes/shapes
9. Place cut outs on parchment paper lined cookies sheets
10. Bake 8-12 minutes
rdldr1: Strange. You’ll spend 5-10x more on this than just buying Goldfish.
Gudneh: I never finish watching these things. The beginning of this gif is the most effective marketing strategy I have ever seen for a recipe. I had to watch till the end.
Well done.
r_b_w1: Wait, I’m confused. When do you add the goldfish?
ZWolF69: Brought to you by M. Night Shyamalan.
FIREDRAGON_B31: I thought this was a joke about eating a real goldfish at first.
10HP: That goldfish is baked alright.
kitty_leap: I really like the way the text is shown in this video.
Correao: I thought this was going to be like r/shittyfoodporn, or the similar recipes
ImDanielAndILoveCats: When you have all the ingredients so you can actually do somthing
neobubzy: I was thinking the whole time “when does the goldfish meat come in?” Until I saw the cookie cutter
ICanQuitWhenverIWant: The only reason to do this is if you’re making goldfish to get baked off of.
Odlemart: Didn’t realize what’s up this was for and I was totally expecting some sort of stoned goldfish meme.
DishwasherTwig: For about 15 years, I thought I made up that the theme was “The wholesome snack that smiles back until you bite their heads off”. Then I found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBDWLM2AphA) and finally felt vindicated.
anthonyjg76: Lol, reminds me of when I almost tricked my s/o into eating goldfish on some rice. Told her it was a rare Japanese delicacy, I had to stop the joke when she preheated the oven haha
abedford: Okay… but when do I kill the goldfish?
soccer_trekkie: The ingredients along the bottom slowly is great, this absolutely needs to become the standard.
strategicluck: That’s actually not a gold fish, but a Molly. (Balloon molly)
heart-station: You monster.
ohnoitsZombieJake: Super strong gifery right? Bare effort went into that and it’s all silky
therazorstepping: I know this is a cooking gif, but TOO MUCH PAN
badhunter559: Instructions unclear, cooked pet goldfish.
bubblesfix: That was disappointing.
XiKiilzziX: That played with my emotions
Stephimc: That was a beautifully edited video.
Scorn_For_Stupidity: I haven’t been this disappointed since I read “To Kill a Mockingbird”
finnylicious: Phew.
mrglubglub: This gif makes me nauseous with the constant motion.
ChrisCDR: The camera shots, just stop.
jackieCHANdlerO: Disappointed I wanted to know how to cook up my fish
waffle_cats: Lol so glide
gryffindorwannabe: I thought it was a documentary about the affects of drugs on goldfish for a second.
JeffReaper: Thought someone was gonna put a few drops of thc in there for a sec.
RebbyRose: Looked like the fish was shaking his head no
Lord_ThunderCunt: I hate gold fish crackers. They’re course and they get everywhere.