Mortiest_Rick: Always toast the buns
Mad_Juju: Sloppy Cho’s?
dzernumbrd: I was hoping it would use larb 🙂
Ariel_Etaime: I would not recommend using sesame oil to cook the onions and garlic in the beginning. Sesame oil is typically used as a finisher. It is meant to impart it’s flavor. It isn’t usually used for cooking because it has a low smoke point.
evilmnky45: Looks good, but boy does that look sweet. Would be good with some spice on it.
IamNOTroblowe: Maybe an unpopular opinion here but I hate those large chunks of meat that don’t get broken more. If you do to, use a metal whisk to break up your meat, it turns it into a finer crumble with ease.
Yogghii: I always like to add a bit of hot sauce to my coleslaw. The slight hint of spiciness fits well with the freshness. You can also add a bit of apple cider vinegar to take away the most of the bite
imarxo: Would this recipe work with ground turkey?
jburkhardt1998: Made with real asians
mizmoose: I make a similar recipe but over rice and not with the slaw.
Ground piggy/cow, onion, garlic, ginger, brown sugar (I use the splenda 50/50), hoisin, soy sauce, black pepper, either red pepper flakes or chili paste. Serve over rice. Goes well with sugar snap peas cooked in sesame oil with a good dusting of black pepper.
OrionRhodes: Did this gif just try to tell me what I need? Who does this gif think it is, exactly?
sharpy1337: Kimchi instead of that crappy slaw and we’re in business
Thor4269: Chinamanwich