Nothing_but_blue_sky: This is fruit by the foot 😡
redcapmilk: This is fruit by the foot. Did you even 90’s ‽
sadsturbator: Oh man those look awesome and simple. This is neat, gonna have to save till summer
anonymous_coward69: Whaaaaaaaaaat? You can make those at home? MIND. BLOWN.
A_confusedlover: What does the lemon juice do??
TheJDK: Very cool idea!
But that’s a lot of money to spend on all of that fresh fruit to make a snack that you can get a box of for a few bucks. Practically, if would probably be better to pick one flavor and make roll ups of it on its own.
dmoted: My hippie(ish) childhood in a gif!
mia_olive: gotta make these on a rainy day to make it feel like summer in the 90s!!
bullhorn_bigass: I would rather just feed that chopped fruit to my kids instead of blending it with sugar and baking it. But I know my kids would rather eat the fruit rolls.
Beezneez86: This is really cool and all, but I’m not keen on having to wash my food processor 5 times for 1 recipe.
TheYellowRose: The seeds would drive me crazy, I’d definitely strain them out
addysol: Dehydrated jam?
helland_animal: Most of these fruits have very low sugar content on their own, so even adding a bit of sugar to them when pureeing them isn’t going to make this snack a bad option. Yes, it’s got sugar in it, but it’s not too bad, especially when compared with other options.
Japlex: Judging by how little sugar was put in, won’t these be sour?
pillbuggery: I prefer to make mine with fake fruit, thanks. The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.
draco1300: Is this at all like how people make fruit leather?
settiek: 170 degrees Celsius seems too much for this. Is it in Fahrenheit?
dendrodorant: what a waste of fruit
etoneishayeuisky: Saved. Now to try this someday
eutamias21: I’m so into this. How long will they keep (and how)?
modernaliens: Thanks you.
CNBLBT: Fruit Leather!!!
TESTICLE_KEBABS: This is basically rolled up sunripe strips.
aznkalun: Good job, now try making Sour Fruit Gushers.
rinmerrygo: Does it require sugar to maintain structural integrity? What happens if I remove it?
dudewhowrites: Was expecting some joints ngl
Roll ups are a completely different thing here in the UK
BNMKA: 3 hours ain’t nobody got time for that
Noteful: Why does it need the added sugar?
skybob4: More Sugar!
shane141: how long would they last for?
scuzziking: Real fruit. Flat out.
spockofthewalk: Those are German fruit by the foot. Joyless.
sybillium4: I didn’t take a picture of the finished snacks, will it affect the flavor?
Numble: I Used to unroll them, roll them back up and take bites out of it. I would start at one end and bite a chunk off, flip it around make similar bite shape til it looks like a fruity H.
I would also ball up the sheet rollups, the semi perforated rollups with the images.
Fishtails: This looks reasonably achievable for once.
raverbashing: Yeah there’s only one small detail missing: what’s that sheet they’re pouring the purees on top of
They don’t say what it is, just that you put cooking spray on top
lucindafer: Is there anything else that you could add besides sugar?
weasler: Could I skip the added sugar?
wolfing0: I can’t help but think this is a huge waste of delicious fresh fruit!
doobiesaurus: I appreciate you guys that are going to do this but i dont know why in the fuck i would ever do this
ILoveRegenHealth: Are mangoes used in regular Fruit by the Foot/Roll-Ups for the yellow part?
iwanttobejustme: Only $10 a piece!! (Fruit+ electricity)
Cory123125: But the question is, does it actually taste like it.
Best_failure: This is how I spent about $20 and four hours just to discover that no one in my household likes real fruit roll ups. And, for some reason, now no one likes the store bought ones either. I ruined so much that day.
N0puppet: This is some Black Mirror shit.
Gambotron: This does not seem worth the amount of dishes you have to wash.
britnastyyy: Sure, that’s not an excessive amount of effort for very little reward.
nigcig: If you add that much sugar to something that’s only fruit, what’s the point of making? Just go some, probably only a little worse for your health. Do you just have too much time on your hands?
efexx1: Is this something you eat or its just decoration or something? 😮 and if you can eat it wouldnt that paper get in the way?
allthenmesrtakn: Buying a shit ton of fruit to make a few roll ups? $50. Buying roll ups? $5. Uh pass.