MeatBald: Looks really nice, all light and fresh. Just a quick question: what exactly is precooked corn flour? Serioisly, those buns/biscuits look damn tasty!
DRHdez: Anyone else bothered by the small cutting board?
sarcasticUsername123: These look great but I think if you sautéed the mushrooms with some vegetable stock and and onions and peppers and seasoning you could get a more meaty flavor I think would compliment the Arepas well. Although obviously it’s better as an alternative less light and fresh way to make these idk just my two cents
dan_zg: Fantastic!
custardgun: These look great. Whoever’s downvoting you (because the recipe is vegan? who knows) can go and take an unlubricated flying fuck.
Lunaterravenere: It looks great, thanks for sharing!
letsketchup: The pacing of this gif is wild, sometimes too slow and sometimes too fast. For the rest, it looks amazing.
ShellysHumbleKitchen: Full recipe at [We Are Cocina](
For more of my recipes: [Shelly’s Humble Kitchen](
SAwhovian: This gif needs more gif….either that or grey avocados are a thing
timeiscoming: Muérete las arepas sin queso no son arepas