singingtangerine: These seem to have more of a scone-like texture than cookie-like. I’d be interested to see chewy blueberry cookies. Also, I think putting a little cream cheese in the icing might work well.
Question: can someone explain the purpose of the cornstarch in these? Is it acting as a leavener?
RoamingFox: The actual source:
Reddit_is_American: Lemon and blueberry is my favorite got dang flavor combination of all got dang time.
bickieditches: Looks delicious!
charlatan-of-doom: My hands feel sticky now.
robocord: If the measurements aren’t in the gif, it’s not a recipe, dangit
zoiiy: Can you convert this to a crunchy cookie by baking longer, and if I won’t ruin the taste? I’m not a big fan of chewy cookies.
dumbfeatherlessbiped: Literally half of it is sugar.. diabetes inbound
RichardSetterfield13: [Source](