gpdds: Where does one find or make the lamb meat for the gyro? You know, the one that looks like an elephants leg?
gregthegregest2: Source:
This is one of the most requested recipes I get, so here it is!
This tastes amazing and isn’t too hard to make.
Here’s a video explaining the Minion Method:
To the person that complain that I would repost this a few days later, thank you for the inspiration!
Please help me out by checking out my channel and subscribing.
The support everyone here has given continues to motivate me to keep this channel going as it doesn’t earn me enough to even pay for the Ingredients. You all continue to inspire me with great ideas and feedback that I can use to improve the recipes.
turkphot: How is this not dry outside and raw on the inside?
alextoria: looks awesome!! what adjustments do i need to make to cook this in the oven?
IHateAllenby: Mate this is off tap. Doesn’t it need layers of fat though to be legit kebab style
lordramsay: Did you put that all on a flour tortilla??
Bs3ac88: Copying a similar video that was posted on Reddit a week ago except changing the oven for a bbq grill.
Not very original buddy.
GoatNumber12: On mobile so no usernames until I enter comment section. I watched the GIF and right when I was the grill come out all I could think was “old daddy Greg doing it right”.
SirJohhnyWrath: Does everyone on this sub constantly repost their gifs or is this guy the only one desperate enough to do it?