DesignerTowel: GOd damn it I CAN SMELL IT.
This makes me feel like I should be on a campsite having a good potjie, complete with the feelings of frustration over its cooking time.
StoiCist9: Awesome! I don’t think there is anything better for a Sunday lunch than a potjie. The best part is the variety, they almost never turn out the same and you can throw almost anything you like in there.
HankSpard: The secret to a good potjie is to never stir the pot while it’s cooking. Add the layers and leave them and the pot alone.
kirfkin: I’d love to try this. Would it be wrong to sear the beef before throwing it in, for a bit of extra flavor?
ConfusedPolatBear: But make sure Snape doesn’t know that you stole his cauldron to make it.
easternabeille: This looks amazing, and seems like the perfect Sunday night dinner. I can’t wait to make it!
Nine-Foot-Banana: Nothing better to eat on a Sunday afternoon while watching the Beauden Barrett tear the Bokke apart.
mtmcpher: Cream corn? Interesting but would regular corn work?
EnigmaticAlien: Is it alright to leave skin on veggies?
Hambeggar: I mean what South African doesn’t have a potjie? Even if you never use it, you still have it.
keepgettingdoxxed: Shame they won’t have any food after they’re finished confiscating all the farmland from white farmers to give to black people with no knowledge of farming…
sildargod: Coke instead of wine, and celery? Who on earth adds celery to a potjie?