SSBM_DangGan: I was worried it was gunna be unhealthy, thank God they added those walnuts
tophatnbowtie: >FREEZE 2 Hours
*Leaves on counter for 5 minutes.*
nsfy33: Seems like brownies and chocolate ice cream would be just a good with one hundredth the effort.
DerkNasty: I’ve got a sweet tooth as much as anyone else, but it seems pretty impractical to put all of your toppings on, then flip the whole damn thing over
busterwilde: This is basically just the world’s least practical brownie sundae. It only looks interesting.
At least until you cut into it and realize it’s just an upside-down brownie pie you spent 4.5 hours putting together.
kailmcdom: it looks horrible. I would eat 6 peices in under an hour.
Jennrrrs: Yum! I love melting ice cream and then refreezing it and melting it and refreezing it again! Really amps up the flavor.
VineArchives: I’d rather skip all the work and just eat the 3 trays of brownies used instead.
Captnwoopypants: Basically ice cream with brownies… And walnuts
fatlizardgoth: Pour a bunch of junk food in a bowl.
TBOIA: I guess it’s kind of like a bomb in that it could definitely kill people. But it just takes like 35 years to do it.
ShaanOSRS: This is the diabetes I was searching for
buku: Ain’t Nobody got time for that!
Cactuar_Zero: Chocolate brownie, chocolate ice cream, chocolate cream, chocolate fudge and cocoa dusting.
Why bother, just inject chocolate into your veins and be done with it.
ghostphantom: I feel like the person who came up with this was in some sort of scavenger hunt where they had two hours to find diabetes.
ITsPersonalIRL: It really seems like you’d just put a brownie in a bowl with the rest of those toppings. If you do that, you don’t dirty up all those bowls or wait like, 4 fucking hours for ice cream and brownies.
SparklingGenitals: I just got a stomach ache.
doctorgaylove: I love chocolate but personally I wouldn’t go all-chocolate in the center there. Vanilla, banana, toffee/butterscotch, almond are good flavors, and then definitely have a fruit sorbet in there to cut through the richness of everything else.
poonjam: Jesus Christ what’s with all the way to sweet stuff on this sub. I swear they cook stuff that only looks good. Could you imagine eating this?
666kracken666: I got diabetes just watching that.
OrangeJuiceAlibi: It’s like a shit Baked Alaska, with none of the positives, or even really the novelty.
leonardoty: I saved this so I can see how many calories it has in the morning.
hipstercookiemonster: What about adding baileys?
Mewwnicorn: The walnuts at the end are the equivalent of adding a diet coke to your supersize meal.
cheesy-endeavor: Kevin would not approve
learningtowalkagain: Mess
charlatan-of-doom: As a lover of hot fudge, I am upset that they froze the hot fudge. I probably would have just poured it on top at the end…if I’m going to have a heart attack anyway, I might as well have a warm meal.
MagretFume: Diabetic coma is coming
AmySchumersAnalTumor: Glad y’all got the healthiness of the strawberry in there, I’m on a diet.
Forgotpasswordagainm: Ya know I think we all need a person in pur life that is therw to tell us to chill. I don’t think this person has one
lylestyle23: Record scratch!!! You’re probably wondering how I got type 2 diabetes well let’s take a look at how it started. ..
coolniceokoh: This made my mouth water. Hahaha.
metalh47k: Worth it’s weight in diabetes
Dizzy-Dolphin: Was hoping they’d put a bombshell inside the mixture and put on the other hemisphere of the thing they stored it in and it’d be a real Brownie Bomb.
ThePapa-E: You lost me at chopped walnuts
jack2of4spades: Mark Anthony Conditt would approve of this.