madalienmonk: The video said drop, but you clearly threw the lemon – ruining the whole flavor profile (probably)!
vagina_fang: Just soda and any spirit really. Was expecting more.
neonontherun: Does the whisky know if you stir clockwise or counterclockwise?
kingtaco_17: Should be 13.5837294 stirs, my dude.
CocktailChem: [Full video](
The Japanese Highball is my favorite way to appreciate the subtle flavors of a Japanese whisky. Here we learn the Mizuwari ritual of making a highball and practice our counting skills.
**The Japanese Highball (Mizuwari ritual)**
* 1.5oz (45ml) Japanese whisky
* 3oz (90ml) sparkling water
* 1 lemon
* Add ice to collins glass
* Stir with barspoon for 30 seconds to chill glass, discard water from glass
* Pour in whisky
* Stir 13.5 times clockwise
* Add in sparkling water
* Stir 3.5 times clockwise
* Add a lemon twist and enjoy
TheGanjaLord: Haha the white guy reveal caught me off guard
folsam: I love this cocktail, though I usually use Irish whiskey.
itstinkskid: TIL Japanese whiskey drinkers have OCD.
GWHITJR3: Good stuff. Love your mixes!
cap10wow: Damn this looks refreshing. Love your videos man!
pwbue: “Water brings out the whiskey flavor”
I don’t drink, so maybe I just don’t understand how alcohol works. But this sentence is bullshit, right?
jaymef: Why is the stir time so important. Really half a stir?
DukeOfMusicstan: i want to try this.
RealPeterFox: Was not expecting a white guy at the end of the gif
thehorns78: Aaaaaaaand doesn’t really change the drink profile if you stir 13.5, 15, 11 times. As someone who has worked in bars for years and can’t stand the hipster mixology, shout at the ice while I massage the lemons 🍋 while dressed as an 1830s mail clerk bullshit. This makes me shake my head. That being said, that is a tasty whisky 🥃. Go ahead and do a blind taste test. Go ahead and stir one glass for 17 stirs another one for 13.5 and a third one for 15.3. Give them to someone and have them identity a difference. There is none.
Kepler-61b: Pfff should only drink good whisky straight, although this is absolutely delicious with Jamaican ginger beer instead of soda water.